system information --> safe:75-235T_EUbX Boot ver:75 Reciever --> converted pansat 2700 from 2500. The original reciever is fortecstar lifetime ultra Usually I have 20-30 TV channels (tv4356....tv5806...etc). After scanning for channels using the new bin I only got 5 of them.
i have captive works 600s premium and i am also missing channels.. its says signal weak to those channels. please help FTA TESTER or anybody who knows how to solve this issue.
I am not talking about all the channels. I am only talking about a bunch of channels that start with tv....I get around 300 for 110 and 300 for 110 but those 600 channels include around 30 channels that start with tv...., but now I get only 5 channels that start with tv....
vince carter : The Key 00 of DN ID 0101 changed at 7.23pm EST. Just turn autoroll on, switch off at back and on, and the new keys will come in. They normally do come in with autoroll off, but occasionally may not. I have posted the current keys in the New Keys thread.
Nalin my problem is not the keys. I updated the keys. However it is that I am missing some channels that I used to get earlier. Those channels start with tv.
African : i have captive works 600s premium and i load latest bin 1.65 to that and its works fine for other channels but some of them says signal week.. i don't know why?? please help? whats else u want to know more just ask me so u can help me better please.!!
NALIN NYAD -- that file says do not use with converted pansat 2500-2700 clones :Pansat-C 2700 235v1 Tivo um please help ive never download bins myself.