I just started looking at systems yesterday, and it is quite confusing. Any help would be appreciated.
1. Probably an oft addressed question, but is there a great advantage to either SAT service? 2. Correlated question: TiVo versus the DVR 510 from Echostar - the DISH representative I spoke to today said that the 510 does everything the TiVo does at $99 instead of $300. 3. DISH rep stated that 921 will be released soon, combines HDTV receiver with DVR 100 hours. Another product from DISH to be released in November splits to allow 1 unit to control 2 Televisions with the DVR capability set.
I asked the rep. why they weren't working on one box that handles HDTV, DVR, and split, and she said they expected that next year.
Any sites where I can get unbiased info. on these research items I have? Thank you very much.
Posted on
2. I don't know DIsk but the DirecTivos have a feature called Season Pass that moves your scheduled recordings as the program times move. There's nothing more anoying than thinking you are going to record a weekly race show, and then suddenly you start getting a fishing show. It can be taught to skip reruns too.
Tivo can also record shows it "thinks" you will like automaticlly.
eCoustics home/news page is the best place to find info on up and comming equipment.
Posted on
you;ve been lied to by the Dish rep regarding their dvr. very limited in feature content. Directv uses a service called tivo actually learns from the user and has features like season pass.
ALso, look out when Rupert Murdoch egts a hold of Directv. Watch the low price war begin between Dish and Directv. Knowing Rupert's history, look out.
can anyone help me, i just brought a dvd home theater center and i can't get any sound from my tv when its on. I will like to hook it up throught my satellite. Please help me.
mr. whitefolks
Unregistered guest
Posted on
what is needed to test the dish network system, i have a t911 ultra, a useless p3 card and a hopefull p4 card but with no fix in the immediate future i need some tv!!!
Unregistered guest
Posted on
mr. whitefolks--you need a reciver that u can jtag my opionin 2700's/w the rom3 cards are the easiest to fix & program...and a iso programmer..
mr. whitefolks
Unregistered guest
Posted on
thanks cali, but was is jtag and which programmer is an iso? i know, i need to read huh??
I can't see how someone could claim that the Dishnetwork rep was lying to you from what little you wrote. (Why are so many minions out there doing free propaganda for Directv?) It doesn't matter which company you use.... but check it out for yourself: Today, for basically the same programming, Dishnetwork is $24.99 and Directv is $29.99. Both offer free installation, but Dishnetwork offers a lifetime warranty on the equipment and if you choose to upgrade to something fancy you will find that it is way less expensive and much better quality for Dishnetwork. Also I don't have to pay $5 extra to get local channels. Dishnetwork is a better deal. But you go see for yourself. All I can suggest is check out the offers, and go to sites that specialize in the technical aspects of satellite tv viewing. Get them both.... what's thirty bucks? Then you'll know. As for Tivo vs. any other recorder: that's also pretty obvious, I would much rather have a DVR that simply records whatever I want to and does it well. Since I already know what they are, I don't need a machine to make assumptions about my preferences for me. A lot of really stupid people will think that this is a "feature". It is not! It's a hassle and an intrusion.