Kevin Previes


Gold Member
Username: Cblaze

Rock island, Tenesssee Us

Post Number: 1117
Registered: Sep-07
seen your audio install with the 15 inch sx on the 15 inch wangers website...i got a 15 inch sx,and a re 35.1 on the way,and just ran over your install,thats nice 146 db's,j/w what size of box u have that thang in?

Gold Member
Username: Cblaze

Rock island, Tenesssee Us

Post Number: 1118
Registered: Sep-07
let me reprase that last part.was u using the 35 hz box to hit that number with,or was u using one tuned to 42hz,cuz down below it says 146.3 db outlaw at 42 hz,or was the 42hz just the frequncey u was using?
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