Im planning to buy a new stb i just want to know whats the best stb to buy i was thinking to buy Nfusion because i see that like what happened now Nfusion still running. is this a good stb?
Taking into cosideration the raging battle between the coders and both DN and Bev, it seems that coders are way behind.....I would advice against any purchase till the smoke is clear....!!!!
I have the VS Ultra its a good unit -- love the USB port so simple to the old soldering days on the 2700 -- the fixes come fairly early to some -- However Hanibal makes a good point we may all end up with boat anchors -- aye?
This ECM "fight" is nothing new. We have had times just like this in the past and the coders have worked it out. I would advise a viewsat as well The Ultra with the usb upgrade is nice. I have had my viewsat plat for a year with no trouble so far. I have used few brands and like the viewsat better as it ID's the sat it is pointed at a real plus when installing and using everday..
don't pay too much... Get a View or a Conaxsat or even a Captive... At least it's has support... Avoid old receivers or clones... they usually take more time to fix...
Denial of the fact that this is not NEW isn't going to make it any easier to face reality which lurkes upon the horizon... if u all have notice it's takin long to produce bin's for the cheap korean boxes... been a couple luck outs on bev last few days...with latest main reason veb up right now is they messed up again with the ecm they based it off the sunday nfl ticket thinking one think and not knowing what was know by other all ready....Promises of a full emu are hog-wash it will never happen.... it never happen in the nag1 days and there was more publicly know information on nag1 then there is nag2..... CS and IKS is where this is all headed....
no matter what all recievers will go down at same it does not matter what kind is better which is not ...just buy a freakin pansat and that even has support...