What is an IKS based? What are the differences vs the other FTA?


Bronze Member
Username: Domy

Post Number: 32
Registered: Dec-07
what are they and how are they different?
thanks in advance.

Bronze Member
Username: Malcom604

Post Number: 36
Registered: Aug-06
Using your homes ethernet you can watch record rewind directly to your computer. It stays updated via IKS (Internet Key Service) using the same internet connection as your home computer.
NFusion is a new way of using Free to Air. It's absolutely ingenious. The NFusion Nova connects directly to your internet connection via a wireless router or LAN connection. Your NFusion, once properly set up can download all the updates it will need for itself. Meaning you will never have to take your receiver to the computer and run all sorts of programs because those programs are now built right into the NFusion Nova and are automatically executed when necessary.

Silver Member
Username: Hshakarchi

Post Number: 164
Registered: May-06
If it is that simple and from what I see from different suppliers they are not that expensive arround 200$ , why is it that people are reluctant not to get one?

Bronze Member
Username: Domy

Post Number: 33
Registered: Dec-07
good question hannibal!
i have the same question.
I read in some reviews Tes sat is the same
and bit cheaper

Silver Member
Username: Addtemp

Post Number: 124
Registered: Oct-07
They are Reluctant because When you are connected by internet and specifically to nFusion then you IP can be tracked and it is relatively easier to proof they you were downloading the illrgal update Software.

It can be argued that downloading non iFS update software from all these FTA site can also be tracked. But then it still needs to be proved in Court of law that you installed it on the Box.

Silver Member
Username: Addtemp

Post Number: 125
Registered: Oct-07
Also its not necessary that IKS gets the fix first. i am sure Viewsat to IKS ration of customers can as high as 100 for viewsat to 1 IKS or even more. So Who you think will get the fix faster and what has a better future and support atleast for now.

Bronze Member
Username: Domy

Post Number: 34
Registered: Dec-07
thanks Aamir very clear explanation
generally its all about security.

Silver Member
Username: Hshakarchi

Post Number: 165
Registered: May-06
I read somewhere that T.E.S.sat reciever is made by AMT SatCruiser and it is the same as "Neosat iPro 1000", it is selling arround 250$, but the idea of not bothering with updating your receiver everytime it is hit is tempting, I might consider it as an "option" to buy for any future receiver..
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