Mtx, rockford, kicker, ed


Bronze Member
Username: Vash3000

Post Number: 79
Registered: Nov-06
MTX 7801, Rockford T1001BD, Kicker KX 1200.1, or the elemental design nine.1? Which one of these amps would pound my pair of JL 10W7 subs rated at 500 watts each and bridged down to 1.5ohms total? I know I know, im suppose to use the Jl 1000/1 to match up with those subs but those are priced wayy too high and these I found seems to be alternatives for the pricing without sacraficing much. So any suggestions whether which amp I should choose? Also an memphis amp but im not sure which model. Its the older chrome ones that is 1 ohm stable i believe.

Silver Member
Username: Santa_fe

02 Hyundia Santa Fe, 120.3 db not...

Post Number: 398
Registered: Jul-07
man i nine.1 sounds sooo clean.....and there on b stock right now so you can get on for like 275 instaed of 350 ish....

Silver Member
Username: Santa_fe

02 Hyundia Santa Fe, 120.3 db not...

Post Number: 399
Registered: Jul-07
the nine.1 sounds soo clean......and there on b-stcok right now so you can get one for like 275 instead of like 350ish normal....and that comes with a one year warranty

Gold Member
Username: Nd4spd18

Northwest PA

Post Number: 4444
Registered: Jul-06
Either the RF or the Kicker would do great. Both are underrated, and both are miles ahead of Ed and MTX in quality.

Gold Member
Username: •cam•

BC Canada

Post Number: 1274
Registered: Nov-06
I love my NINe.4. I have no qualms when it comes to eD's quality. I would scratch the MTX, and go with whatever you can get cheapest, with a good warranty.

Bronze Member
Username: Drant19


Post Number: 72
Registered: Aug-07
the rockford or kicker would be the best choices out of those amps. look on ebay if your willing to buy online, or maybe someone in the forum has one that they would sell.

Platinum Member
Username: Chaunb3400

Huntsville, Alabama U.S.

Post Number: 13301
Registered: Jul-05
Kicker....should be cheaper then the Rockford...but they are both really nice amps

Gold Member
Username: 420alldaylong

Post Number: 3004
Registered: Sep-06
Out of the ones you listed above I would say KX1200.1 or the T10001bd.

Both of the amps ^^^^^ will do around 1400-1500RMS at 1ohm so your good.

Silver Member
Username: Kyle_lowe

Post Number: 717
Registered: Apr-06
are those the only amps that you are able to get or would be open to other suggestions?

Bronze Member
Username: Vash3000

Post Number: 80
Registered: Nov-06
So i guess its either the Kicker KX1200.1 or the rockford t1001bd amp. The nine.1 has a pretty good deal for $350 brand new with a 5 year warranty, thats hard to pass up. But I don't know how good those are. What about the Xtant amps? I've seen a couple of installs that invovled the same subs as mine being pushed with an Xtant 1001 amp. Are those any good compared to the rockford T1001bd and the kicker kx1200.1? Yea i am up to some amp suggestions for my 2 JL 10W7 rated at 500watts each bridged down to 1.5ohms. Any other amp that can best the rockford and kicker amp with similar pricing?

Silver Member
Username: Kyle_lowe

Post Number: 718
Registered: Apr-06
i think the preorder price on the new aq amps is 235
they are 1200w at 1 ohm
also you could look for a pg xenon 1200.1
1200rms at 1-4ohm i believe
the ed amp is a good amp. i have installed a few and i would not hesitate to buy one.

Bronze Member
Username: Vash3000

Post Number: 81
Registered: Nov-06
Also I can get a brand new arc audio fd 1200.1 amp for $400 but with no warranty though. Are these amps any good?

Bronze Member
Username: Vash3000

Post Number: 82
Registered: Nov-06
Or I can also get a rockford T10001BD amp brand new for around $350ish but no warranty either. Im leaning towards the rockford only because if I do ever plan on different subs, I can count on the rockford to push subs requiring more watts.

Gold Member
Username: 420alldaylong

Post Number: 3007
Registered: Sep-06
Budget for amp?

Bronze Member
Username: Vash3000

Post Number: 84
Registered: Nov-06
under $400

Gold Member
Username: 420alldaylong

Post Number: 3008
Registered: Sep-06

Gold Member
Username: Nd4spd18

Northwest PA

Post Number: 4485
Registered: Jul-06
You will get ~1500 watts from both the RF and the Kicker

The Audioque amp is also a good choice

Gold Member
Username: Juliob

Santo DomingoDominican Re...

Post Number: 5057
Registered: Dec-05
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