I wouldnt post something like.. where are the new bins or keys.. but i got a real question for the pros out there.. .
can you explain to me why we cant get nfl sunday ticket on bev... im under the impression it has its own key, like PB channel.. but a couple weeks ago.. i was getting PB on the regular autoroll..
Can someone explain to me the protection bev has on NFL sunday ticket..and how, if at all i can go about getting it to work if i cant get the game i want on dn?
And if i cant get it now, which i think is the case.... would it be something the coders could do, but just dont because its only a couple channels on one day of the week??
however i see you fialed to mention nfusion is a internet based sharing system
that logs your ip when you log in.
i wonder if thats safe!?!?!?!
i dont know cause i dont have one.
but i have never seen something on the net that was 100% secure when it comes to openly pritating softwear * wich is what nfusion does since it runs off paltic)
but um not today.. i guess you are right
3 weeks is 3 weeks
and since it is fta based we do cary the updates at [link removed]
the channels are off when not in use I have them you just scan the bird while the games are on to get them I do not have time tonight to retrieve all the corresponding transponders-channel data for you. Be sure you have a updated satfile for bev, scan the bird when games are on and you will be watching football...
lol, theftatester, no you cant get nfl sunday ticket, just by rescanning them fta coders have tried to fix it, and some have said it worked for 5 minutes, but as soon as the game starts they change the key and its gone again..........might wanna check ure bullshit meter
Sorry, but you are incorrect. Yes you can scan channels just be fore the game starts to pull them in. However you will get football for about 5 minutes before they blank out.
This is a well known throughout the FTA community. How can you not know this???
There was only 1 week this year where it was working for all FTA receivers.
acording to my buddy that is a fossball fan ( I am not) all the games are on a reg local someware on a sat on DN each time anyway so he has not missed a game he wanted to see..
sundy tickit as i understand it just brings them to a subscriber to them like they were local right? so you should not miss a game
too bad LK was run off he was a fan and posted a nice list each week of ALL GAMES
ummmmm yes theftatester, most of the games you will get on the local channels, but the person asked about sunday nfl ticket specifically, so answer that, what link and others said was not bullshit, rahter it was the right answer, what you were saying was bullshit, because you were giving the wrong answer
Ok I am sorry I just called my football buddy and he confermed that yes he can FIND the channels and they work for about 10 min then go....scrambled....he never TOLD ME THAT PART DAMN HIM Sorry I was wrong
I swear he told me they was working...what happend is I called and he was watching a game via the sunday ticket so I got off the phone so he could enjoy the game and went about my day.......he NEVER told me what happened after I called..
I am not a Football Fan, but WE WATCH THEM every week on my old Viewsat.Now his Football Buddy gave him the wrong info. You know, If I don't know the answer, I will find it for you. try using your Bullshit Meter on yourself before you give someone the answer.There is NO need for you to be the Boy that cried WOLF. There is NO need for you to answer every thread, other people here can help.
Mclinkus, you've told everyone here about this site repeatedly. WE GET IT, WE KNOW IT EXISTS. There is no need to post the link in every single thread.
What's the difference? They can get your I.P by downloading normal bin files anyway.
Nfusion updates are hosted on a database, meaning D|SH or B3V would first have to get a warrant to get the I.P's of individuals connecting to the database, same thing for bins. All they would need is a warrant for any popular FTA bin file site and get your I.P. Even after all of that, an I.S.P would still have to be willing to give up the information with who is connecting with these I.Ps. It's really a non-issue for now, unless signal piracy laws change and allow for this to happen, then we're all screwed as far as I'm concerned.
Or if you really want to be safe, why not connect through a proxy to get your bin files and Nfusion updates? It doesn't take much work and a "noobie" can learn how to do it within 5 or 10 minutes.