A friend is putting a 8.0cu.ft. box for 2 15" subs in the bed of his regular cab short box. The plan is to make the sub box and put a Rhino lining put on it, to make it waterproof. Would I be safe to assume MDF is out of the question? Walking around my local lumber yard I saw 3/4" Birch, Red Oak, Crezon, and 1 Side Good. What would you recommend? Also should it be painted or anything? Any tips for cutting between the bed of the truck and the cab? What to fill the void?
cover the box in rhino lining, either have it in there when you rhino the bed(permanent) or rhino it seperately and throw it in after the bed is rhinod. Plus, get a top to cover the bed, further watereproofing it.
i dont know how the type of wood would matter (to a degree). if you want a water proof box use the bed liner spray right on it as well as the bed. also if he uses anything but mdf prepare to drop paper
there are some threads on here that are based on that design. just search for them on here or google it