People say that 12" Subwoofer cannot recover as quickly as 10" for the next hit of Bass.
Also some people say that you cannot get a decent 12" Sub for under $350, but JBL PB-12 give good Bass and it's under $350.
What do you think, which Sub brand is recommended for around $350. For a Room size of 40 X 25.
Is 10" good enough?
Any opinion would be greatly appreciated.
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I went with the PB10 because it has "tighter" bass,punchy not the rumbling bass of a larger 12.But I also have a smaller room.With a room like yours I would recommend a larger woofer such as a twelve or more powerful amp or both.your room is almost as big as my house!So I would lean to the 400 watt 12 inch JBL.Rather than the pb 10 or pb12.