I find: VS products in general got poor picture quality (in my opinion) VSPro is best of all VS (from specs prospective) And may have better PVR features for such a low price Conaxsat duo maybe just as good for perhaps $20 less than VSPRO
What can set one of these on top of the other: Will be better edit features or menu options I don't have either one But I can read engineering specs well They play tricks with 480p 720p 1080i The average user may not fully understand what they buy ALL FTA RECEIVERS are 480i none are 480p Some don't upscale at all like Ultra and Xtreme Some just upscale to 480p
Many new HD are 720p upscaling to 1080i Offering cheap electronics and charging over $400
Bottom line This is what I will pick: VSPro or Conaxsat Best of the worst
do you know is there a way to upload chanels to Viewsat Pro? because, I have a viewsat Pro and I cannot upload channels. Even I run a blind scan, I don't get all the channels. Help if you can.
What do yo mean can't upload channels? First yo have to load latest bin off www-totalfta-com Then unzip and flash receiver To flash: yo can use memory stick or null cable(with loader2)
Once yo flash receiver Assuming yo R pointing dish correctly In antenna setup select 1-satellite and do f1 (to scan)
If yo have more questions Create a new thread asking what yo want and provide all hardware information yo got We are both from NYC I'll help yo