these are the insturctions but what part do u need help with?
Some people are saying that the Pansat 2500 - Pansat 2700 Converting Procedure killed their receiver. Well, I told you before and I'm telling you once again that please read the INSTRUCTIONS file at least 3 - 4 times before you start the conversion. I started this thread, because I've updated the Pansat 2500 Conversion Kit by updating ALL the files and I've also added the FACTORY BIN for Pansat 2500 receivers this time. Now this time, before you start the Pansat 2500 - Pansat 2700 conversion, please load the FACTORY BIN into your Pansat 2500 receiver. Again, timing is VERY IMPORTANT! Below is the new link to my new and updated Pansat 2500 - Pansat 2700 Conversion Kit.
Download Link : [link removed]
And now, this thread will handle all the discussions related to Pansat 2500 - Pansat 2700 Conversion!
satgirl thanks for the prompt response. however I need Flu conversion to pansat 2700.. I was using the files from a post from AV however i am stuck when i attempt to load the b75 bin.. i am receiving error message fail to connect.. what is also strange i download the file to my documents, however when i attempt to load file to loader i cannot locate. should i unzip when i download these files and before i load.... i am really lost
yes u must unzip and extract files..if u cant find it when u click open bin through the loader than what u should do is open ur documents folder, and if u see it there drag it to the loader, but make sure u have the file search thing open and then when u see it get dragged in that folder just click open on it...thats what i do...or on the loader when i try to search this file, u have to do the file type as ALL or something than ull be able to see the hidden files....oh and im pretty sure AV provided this bin in the instructions, so make sure its in there
okay this is the steps i took. I down load the FortecSTARSTB loader i then download the(b75_m.bin)and (jvvh_208_1.bin) then i unzipped using winzip... these are all saved to my documents i opend the fortecstarstb loader i clicked on Com1 then select boot, model type Fortec Lifetime Ultra then i clicke on file i opened my documents and i am not seeing the file correct so i then select the option recent documents then i see the file so i select it then open i now see it in file on loader as mydocuments/b75_ etc then i turn on my reciever waited for it to load it says on i click load and wait then it says connection error.... this is my story
try turning ur receiver off then click download and turn it back on....or try turning the ON OFF so that u cna see the time instead...then download...i dont really having trouble with my pansat 2700A no one will help lol
you are very helpful Sat girl well I had some problems with my Ariza Xtreme but no one helped here so I had call my local dealer, I still don't have channels but it's okay It's good to see someone like you here, keep it up
thanks satgirl.. still no luck.. however i am attempting to hook back up my receiver to the tv. not seing the channels how do i get them back or am i fried
at no time at all do i see b 7 5 roll across my sreen i hit download as soon as i see the receivver boot and then it go to on then i see 0312 no b75 then i get connection erro
loading procedures may take many tries.try this way have loader with bin ready,then have receiver off when you see the first dash light then hit download on loader.get all files and how to at this link.good luck.
Guys i think i am going to call this a day... i will get a professional to do this for me as i am not having any luck... it says downloading for over half an hour and still stuck on 0%. what i see when i hit write when the first dash appear.. the dash flashes across the screen then it says on then it goes on channel 0312 nothing esle happens i am still stuck on 0% download and it is half an hour now.... by the way i am on com 3 for the others give me error messages.
Thanks all for your professional help (AV, Satgirl, RTAP and NyalinNalin) this is for real professionals and not accounts like me. Yannis take your sluttyness to another forum... guys like you should be blocked. thanks again guys
that's always happens the first attempt, don't give up
To check the connection without harm to your receiver use channel master to backup your channel list, if succeed then comunication is Ok, and problem should be addressed differently.
I already programmed/cneverted FLU and pansat clone several times without any problems following LK instructions