I don't have experience with neither products I can't possibly try all receivers out there
But I can spot gemicks from circulating specs Average consumer may easily get duped if does not pay attention to specs or acually understand what it says
In today's receivers: 480i, 480p, 720p, 1080i So many upscales and many down scales And yo may not know which one is which And to make things worst clones may claim false specs MAKE SURE YO ONLY PAY ATTENTION TO OFFICIAL WEBSITE At the official website they can't put wrong specs
p= progressive scan i=interlaced 480p is 720 by 480 (720x480) pixel frame size This is an example of a gemick: from specs "Video resolution 720x480) Even if it says 480 it may be interlaced so in actual specs it is 250 upscaled to 480 But still better than if it doesn't say anything at all as it is at least upscaling to 480
If it is progressive scan it should say If it doesn't most likely it is not
Here is another gemick: "supports HD Component( 480p, 720p, 1080i) to enhance Maximum Picture Quality"
This can be 720p and upscaling to 1080i and downscaling to 480p and it is not true 1080i despite claiming it is
There is not one single product that I have seen in FTA HD receiver out there that I read specs containg MPEG-4 8 PSK hardware built in Infact if yo want that yo have to buy it seperatly
Thank god for my HD i/o cable I watch all 9 local teams all in true HD 1080i FREE Knicks, Nets, Mets, Yankees, Devils, Islanders, Rangers, Jets and Giants