I've got a state-of-the-art 1976 notepad manufactured by the 3m corporation. Keep in mind, this is BEFORE they invented sticky notes. If any of you say that your PDA is better than my state-of-the-art notepad, I'll say that you are a LIAR. I use ecoustics.com to hawk my crap speakers that I also sell out of the back of a white van near the airport. I also have a state-of-the-art 1976 8-track player in my car. If any of you say that there has ever been a better improvement in electronics since 1976, you are wrong.
Hey, what white van are you? I found like 5 of them today when I went to the airport! The worst part was they were all selling cheap viagra... I mean, yah, I bought some, but I wanted speakers... I suppose this will improve my hearing... at least thats what they told me