Silver Member Username: Tatonka-[Team Audib... Post Number: 936 Registered: Mar-07 | Well today I am going to ATTEMPT to repair the tinsel slap on a friends 12" SSD. I have heard of using felt but will that actually work? I really need some advice on how to fix this sub that fi screwed him over on. |
Gold Member Username: JkidderGunshine , State Flawda Post Number: 2160 Registered: Nov-05 | yes, cut a piece of felt into an oval and spray on 3M adhesive. place it on the underside of the cone where tinsel would slap. easy fix man |
Silver Member Username: Tatonka-[Team Audib... Post Number: 937 Registered: Mar-07 | Will that hold? |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 6659 Registered: Jun-04 | Fi is another brand I will not buy from the CONSISTANT tinsel slap issues ive read about and the fix they offer is not fair either...I would not accept felt as a solution |
Gold Member Username: CenusHicksville, Ohio Post Number: 3614 Registered: Jan-05 | i think every1 should do what DD does and just have direct connect, get rid of lead slap plus you won't have those stupid push terminals. back to orginal topic yes felt pad is the only thing YOU can do to fix it, i just put a sh1t load of 3mm spray then play it for a day or two then check it to make sure it staying. |
Silver Member Username: Tatonka-[Team Audib... Post Number: 938 Registered: Mar-07 | *sigh* yes the fix is not fair. They charge you for both the shipping there and back. And all they are going to do is put felt on it. This guy wasted his money badly on this sub. I regret now reccomending him Fi. |
Gold Member Username: JkidderGunshine , State Flawda Post Number: 2168 Registered: Nov-05 | just fix it dude its so easy. quit bein a vag |
Silver Member Username: Tatonka-[Team Audib... Post Number: 939 Registered: Mar-07 | Well, I got to looking at the sub alot closer earlier, and the sub already has the velvet glued to the cone. Then I look at the tinsels, and one has actully came completely off of the soilder joint. I'm going to get my dad to silder it back on, then see if it is still slapping. |
Silver Member Username: JtownATX, Texas Post Number: 459 Registered: Mar-07 | its not really a fix...but whatever... |
Gold Member Username: Nyyfan13Fi SSD USA Post Number: 6376 Registered: Jul-06 | Never got tinsel slap myself |
Gold Member Username: Snarl2004Audioque 12 SD2.5s, Earthquake P... Post Number: 1740 Registered: Dec-06 | if so many peoele have problems with tensil slap why doesnt scott fix the problem like make them direct conenct or something along thoses would make sence |
Gold Member Username: JkidderGunshine , State Flawda Post Number: 2171 Registered: Nov-05 | maybe he devised this little scheme to sell morethan one of them. maybe just maybe he wanted to make money |
Silver Member Username: TejcurrentPost Number: 648 Registered: Apr-07 | How is it an issue though? I have never had a problem, but has it effected the performance of the sub at all? |
Silver Member Username: Tatonka-[Team Audib... Post Number: 940 Registered: Mar-07 | "I have never had a problem, but has it effected the performance of the sub at all?" The tinsel finnally came undown. Performace was effected. How would you like riding in a truck with a sub behind you that slaps annoyingly loud on every note? |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 6664 Registered: Jun-04 | call them up and talk to scott directly nick.....tell him the story on the sub from start to finish and my bet is he will replace it |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 6665 Registered: Jun-04 | or fix it |
Silver Member Username: Tatonka-[Team Audib... Post Number: 941 Registered: Mar-07 | I tried Sean. He said he would fix, but i would have to pay for shipping there and back. shipping a 30lb sub twice isnt cheap lol. |
Gold Member Username: JkidderGunshine , State Flawda Post Number: 2176 Registered: Nov-05 | just man up and repair it bro. did you try to put felt there? |
Gold Member Username: JkidderGunshine , State Flawda Post Number: 2177 Registered: Nov-05 | i can send u the pieces of felt fi uses. i have some exactly. hit me up on aim if u want me to express deliver or anything. they came straight off a btl cone |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 6671 Registered: Jun-04 | call him back and explain that you cant afford the shipping costs and maybe that you dont think its fair since the sub wasnt right when you got it....explain to him that it would be a good business gesture on his part and see what he says....who knows maybe hell split the shipping costs AT LEAST....all he can do is say no right? |
Silver Member Username: JtownATX, Texas Post Number: 461 Registered: Mar-07 | I never developed tinsel slap cause my sub stopped working for some reason after about 45min of play, no over exursion or anything like that. Felt was already on mine, but I payed to ship it there, he built me a new one and shipped it back, didn't ask to pay shipping to return it. |
Gold Member Username: Th3pwn3rPost Number:... Post Number: 5250 Registered: Jul-06 | Scott should have recalled all of those subs with this bullsh1t issue and he should have payed for shipping to him and back to his customers.That's what I would have done if I were selling defective products. |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 6678 Registered: Jun-04 | I agree Rob hes ruining the Fi business reputation the way its going |
Gold Member Username: Nd4spd18Northwest PA Post Number: 3311 Registered: Jul-06 | All these issues with the tinsels on Fi subs is what made me go with DD..... I had wanted some Fi Qs. |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 6680 Registered: Jun-04 | my brother was gonna buy one but I told him about tinsel slap and he skipped it |
Gold Member Username: HdubbTeam Revolution Post Number: 2548 Registered: Nov-04 | adire and re are/were built the same way. same "fix" too |
Gold Member Username: JkidderGunshine , State Flawda Post Number: 2183 Registered: Nov-05 | adire tempest was the worst tinsel slap ever |
Gold Member Username: SouthernrebelMonroe, Louisiana 2 DD3515s, 1... Post Number: 5333 Registered: Mar-04 | Simple and easy-ish fix for Fi as a whole: Woven-tinsels /Fi's tinsel-slap problems |
Gold Member Username: HdubbTeam Revolution Post Number: 2552 Registered: Nov-04 | x2 with canaan and imo they look better too. but ive seen some subs where there is just lsomething tying the middle of the lead down. canaan do all of the dd lines have direct leads? |
Gold Member Username: SouthernrebelMonroe, Louisiana 2 DD3515s, 1... Post Number: 5334 Registered: Mar-04 | Yes...all of DD's current subs have 10ga direct leads woven into/between the spiders. They have ~10" of Stinger 10ga wire off the basket to make the connection w/. |
Gold Member Username: SouthernrebelMonroe, Louisiana 2 DD3515s, 1... Post Number: 5335 Registered: Mar-04 | It is sad to think that something this simple can fix all these problems. ![]() Even if they had to up their prices $5-10 a sub to cover the extra cost. |
Silver Member Username: Tatonka-[Team Audib... Post Number: 943 Registered: Mar-07 | Canaan, my dad isn't brave enough to try to solder that wire back. do you think if i took it up to you one day soon you could solder it back maybe? |
Gold Member Username: HdubbTeam Revolution Post Number: 2555 Registered: Nov-04 | looks like a waffle its making me hungry. i like the way tc does theres too |
Gold Member Username: SouthernrebelMonroe, Louisiana 2 DD3515s, 1... Post Number: 5336 Registered: Mar-04 | Nick, I'll try man. I'll need to get a new soldering gun and some solder though. Why is he scared to try it? All he needs to do is desolder the old spot and put the wire back thru...? I'm not too good w/ soldering smaller stuff, but i'll try man. Oh...get on AIM. |
Gold Member Username: Snarl2004Audioque 12 SD2.5s, Earthquake P... Post Number: 1746 Registered: Dec-06 | someone should send a link of this thread to scott so he can see how annoyed people are with this tensil slap and he can give his reasoning to why there isnt a better design. if he helped design the new AA subs would they have the same tensil slap problem? |
Gold Member Username: HdubbTeam Revolution Post Number: 2556 Registered: Nov-04 | most likely...... |
Silver Member Username: JtownATX, Texas Post Number: 462 Registered: Mar-07 | oh he knows....and I heard they delete anything related to tinsel slap off of their forum...but that's just what I heard. |
Gold Member Username: Th3pwn3rPost Number:... Post Number: 5252 Registered: Jul-06 | "oh he knows....and I heard they delete anything related to tinsel slap off of their forum...but that's just what I heard." Heh.Instead of fixing the problem at hand it's better to conceal it ![]() |
Gold Member Username: Snarl2004Audioque 12 SD2.5s, Earthquake P... Post Number: 1747 Registered: Dec-06 | if you can call this concealing it |
Gold Member Username: Snarl2004Audioque 12 SD2.5s, Earthquake P... Post Number: 1748 Registered: Dec-06 | but i am interested in hearing his side of this |
Silver Member Username: JtownATX, Texas Post Number: 463 Registered: Mar-07 | but this isn't their forum....I know they banned all the low-hz dealers. |
Gold Member Username: JkidderGunshine , State Flawda Post Number: 2184 Registered: Nov-05 | "Heh.Instead of fixing the problem at hand it's better to conceal it :-)" democracy |
Silver Member Username: Fi_car_audioHades, NV Post Number: 230 Registered: Sep-06 | AHAHA.. We dont hide anything or delete anything off of our forums or anyone elses ![]() I have used this method for building subs for over a decade and have had no issue until recently. We have solved many issues with customer setups and are tooling new baskets and parts to make the subs as bullet proof as possible. While I dont believe there is an epidemic (as it seems people try to make it) we are constantly tuning and tweaking things to make sure that we build the best subs possible. I have tried MANY different woven leads and versions of it over the years... resulting in failures (both short and long term), fires, and other problems. We have had the least amount of issues with the system we have been using and have worked with a specific lead wire company on new materials as well. What I see as a solution, is currently being developed and will probably make its way into the subs in about 4 months. While this is not seen as a solution to a problem, it is looked at as simply making one area were things can go wrong that much stronger. When we have tested beds like Steve Meade that push several times what we recommend to subs on a daily basis without failures we know what our products can do. We have several thousand subs on the market and very few complaints. But we do take these seriously and strive for solutions. As for our warranty... we stand by our products and feel that they are some of the best out there. But we simply do not pay for shipping a product back to us to "check out". I have seen it too many times that a customer sends something in that is good... then to talk to them to have them realize where something was set up wrong or wired incorrectly... or to explain what a subsonic filter is. We most definitely do pay shipping back for anything that is warrantied. And all too often cover things that should not be... We strive to make the best products available and will continue to tweak as new ideas or solutions become available. Now please delete and or burn this thread ;) Thanks, Scott |
Gold Member Username: 420alldaylongPost Number: 2684 Registered: Sep-06 | So is there a problem with your subs?^^^^^^^^^^ |
Silver Member Username: TejcurrentPost Number: 653 Registered: Apr-07 | "but this isn't their forum....I know they banned all the low-hz dealers." I read some pretty uncalled for things by one low-hz person, so i can see why. "While this is not seen as a solution to a problem, it is looked at as simply making one area where things can go wrong that much stronger" Joey- No, thats not at all what he said. "I have seen it too many times that a customer sends something in that is good... then to talk to them to have them realize where something was set up wrong or wired incorrectly... or to explain what a subsonic filter is. " He is saying that people mess things up, view things as a problem that are not, or don't know how to set up their system properly. I can't tell you how many people I've explained a subsonic filter to- and I don't work at a shop, let alone own a car audio company. |
Silver Member Username: Fi_car_audioHades, NV Post Number: 231 Registered: Sep-06 | No, there definitely isnt a problem with them. And being somewhat of a unique company we can impliment changes immediately should we feel something is needed. While we are working on different tech for leadwire, as I have been for many years, I still keep coming back to what has the least amount of problems and using that. We havent had any problems with our cooling that we have been using on the BLs and BTLs either, but we are changing that after we get back from dB Drag Finals as well. When we feel something is better we use it. We change things for the better whether it is really "needed" or not. If we feel it is better or even solves something that can occur in 1 out of 1000 setups, yet doesnt change the functionality in the other 999 of them, then why not? I havent banned or pushed for banning anyone anywhere. Far from my style there. I dont own or control the forum that we are on, and dont think I have ever really used any "mod power" on my own forum outside of posting stickies or adding info to a post for the OPs benefit. Like I had mentioned earlier... any issues that people have are not whisked away. It only serves to make the products better. Fi is in this for the long run and Im sure will impliment many changes to the current lines over the years, as well as draw from those changes for new lines. Off to work ![]() |
Gold Member Username: HdubbTeam Revolution Post Number: 2558 Registered: Nov-04 | lmao! " nowplease delete this thread" lol. at least he has a sense of humor and doesnt get bent out of shape. and im sure some of the subs with the lead problem were "abused" or wired incorectly, but ive talked to a few that didnt abuse theres and just had issues with them......not every woofer is perfect ...HOPEFULLY it will no longer be an issue. |
Silver Member Username: Spivey17323Dunellen, New jersey United states Post Number: 607 Registered: Jun-07 | haha sorry for the thred jacking but hunter i tried to go on that website u said or something. and it was lke some engineering thing lol |
Gold Member Username: Skibum12189Cleveland Post Number: 1841 Registered: Mar-06 | |
Silver Member Username: JtownATX, Texas Post Number: 464 Registered: Mar-07 | apparently I was misinformed. I take back my previous statements, besides the part where Scott built me a new speaker and paid for shipping. BTW, I still have yet to test it out, I don't have a vehicle or box to put it in at the moment... |
Gold Member Username: Th3pwn3rPost Number:... Post Number: 5254 Registered: Jul-06 | "AHAHA.." Nice,laughing at the matter at hand,how professional. "But we simply do not pay for shipping a product back to us to "check out". I have seen it too many times that a customer sends something in that is good... then to talk to them to have them realize where something was set up wrong or wired incorrectly... or to explain what a subsonic filter is. We most definitely do pay shipping back for anything that is warrantied. And all too often cover things that should not be... " would be the right thing to do to reimburse the money spent on shipping the item that was warrantied because of a manufacturing defect.For things that aren't covered...don't pay for shipping back.Don't the methods you're praticing just seem unfair to the people that are inconvenienced by faulty products? "No, there definitely isnt a problem with them." Amazing.People seem to say otherwise.What a bunch of liars,I guess they're just looking to get freebies.Those felt pads sure are appealing. |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 6683 Registered: Jun-04 | agreed Rob in reguards to the felt and there seems to be more than "1 out of a 1000" why dont we count the number of users on ecoustics alone who had this problem let alone other forums. Sure doesnt seem like only a 1 in 1000 failure rate to me. |
Silver Member Username: Tatonka-[Team Audib... Post Number: 946 Registered: Mar-07 | Well Scott didn't even say anything about my problem, and this whole thread was about it. It seemed as if he defended himself, but didnt even answer to the person that created this thread ![]() Scott please give me some sort of answer to this. |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 6684 Registered: Jun-04 | sounded like he was saying he would pay for one way shipping so far which is back to you so far |
Silver Member Username: Tiki89Post Number: 183 Registered: Oct-06 | NIck if you took out the sub and one of the leads was completely off it was probably that one hitting the cone since it was off, Resolder it and see if it still does it.... |
Silver Member Username: Tatonka-[Team Audib... Post Number: 947 Registered: Mar-07 | That's what I'm going to do treo. But see, it was slapping before it came off. But odds are, the tinsel is too frayed to solder back on, it will be too short. It might be time for a recone. |
Silver Member Username: Tiki89Post Number: 186 Registered: Oct-06 | oh i see well anyway good luck. |
Gold Member Username: Th3pwn3rPost Number:... Post Number: 5256 Registered: Jul-06 | Yea Nick,goodluck bro.If it doesn't work out sell it to someone on here that says it's no big deal or it's an easy fix. |
Silver Member Username: Fi_car_audioHades, NV Post Number: 232 Registered: Sep-06 | NickV... we will gladly repair it under warranty. There has never been an issue for that. We simply have the policy that the sub needs to be returned to us first. I am sorry if our policy doesnt seem fair, I can see your position on this. But it is the same policy I, and every other company I could find a warranty on has. If youd like to try and "repair" it I will make note and ensure you that it wont void any sort of warranty. We will gladly repair it at anytime in the future as well. If you would like to contact me via email to square this one away, I would be more than happy to do so. As I mentioned earlier I dont have much time to take care of the balance of forums like I did when I started Fi... which is kind of sad as I do enjoy the direct communication. As for my buddy Rob, you have seen me post enough to know that I would never laugh at a customer or their situation. I know that twisting words and comments is a huge net/forum passtime and I do appreciate the creative ways that you practice the art... but it simply isnt the case. I was amused/appauled that people would think that I would delete posts to cover up someones problems, hence the initial paragraph. My integrity was called into question and I felt it needed a little defending (which is an absolute rarity) Rob, let me know what size shirt you are and Ill gladly send you one out. They are very absorbent and clean up pet mess, oil, or work well as kindling for camp fires and torches. Thanks... now back to work ![]() |
Platinum Member Username: WingmanaliveA pic is worth 1000 posts!! Post Number: 10476 Registered: Jun-06 | Can I have a shirt?![]() ![]() |
Silver Member Username: Fi_car_audioHades, NV Post Number: 233 Registered: Sep-06 | Sorry Paul, you seem to like Fi ;) Sure, Ill gladly send one to you, NickV and his friend... And the next 10 people that tell me in what creative way they will use |
Platinum Member Username: WingmanaliveA pic is worth 1000 posts!! Post Number: 10479 Registered: Jun-06 | I'm serious man. I'll even pay shipping.![]() |
Silver Member Username: Philly306North carolina Post Number: 452 Registered: Apr-07 | i will take it and write "I wish i had" above the FI logo or i will write it in my will that i want to be buried in it. What other company can say they had someone buried in one of thier shirts ![]() ![]() |
Gold Member Username: HdubbTeam Revolution Post Number: 2562 Registered: Nov-04 | actually i do ned your email as i need to get some recones for tc9 motors from you. and i think i would cut up the shirt and make it a onsy for my son. that would be cool. |
Gold Member Username: Naledge503Http://com4.runboard.c... Post Number: 2008 Registered: Jun-06 | I will deliver my baby with it if the doc lets me... |
Gold Member Username: AdddisorderPalm Beach, Florida Post Number: 5208 Registered: Jan-06 | hey scott i dont know if this counts as creative but i would use the shirt as well, a shirt ![]() |
Silver Member Username: Wolf_houndPost Number: 485 Registered: Sep-05 | I will use one as extra toilet paper:-d |
Gold Member Username: Naledge503Http://com4.runboard.c... Post Number: 2009 Registered: Jun-06 | damn...i'm out....I like Fi too.![]() |
Silver Member Username: TejcurrentPost Number: 655 Registered: Apr-07 | I'll put it on my scarecrow for holloween lol.. The day I see someones dog with one.. |
Gold Member Username: AdddisorderPalm Beach, Florida Post Number: 5209 Registered: Jan-06 | haha thats good ill put it on my dog when i go back home and post a pic. |
Platinum Member Username: WingmanaliveA pic is worth 1000 posts!! Post Number: 10480 Registered: Jun-06 | All I can say is my Q has NEVER let me down. It pounds hard and I use it often. It replaced my Mag and has done so respectfully, with money to spare. If SI made an 18" sub I would never had considered FI. I just needed to hear/feel an 18" in my application. FI filled that void very well.![]() |
Gold Member Username: HdubbTeam Revolution Post Number: 2563 Registered: Nov-04 | ill clean up my love spunk with a different one lmao. jk. |
Gold Member Username: AdddisorderPalm Beach, Florida Post Number: 5210 Registered: Jan-06 | yeah im thinking about picking up a pair of 10 Fi Xs |
Silver Member Username: JtownATX, Texas Post Number: 472 Registered: Mar-07 | I'll use it for the shirt trick when I get everything installed...then wear it around school.... |
Gold Member Username: Th3pwn3rPost Number:... Post Number: 5257 Registered: Jul-06 | "As for my buddy Rob, you have seen me post enough to know that I would never laugh at a customer or their situation. I know that twisting words and comments is a huge net/forum passtime and I do appreciate the creative ways that you practice the art... but it simply isnt the case. I was amused/appauled that people would think that I would delete posts to cover up someones problems, hence the initial paragraph. My integrity was called into question and I felt it needed a little defending (which is an absolute rarity) Rob, let me know what size shirt you are and Ill gladly send you one out. They are very absorbent and clean up pet mess, oil, or work well as kindling for camp fires and torches. Thanks... now back to work" I'm not here to twist your words or my own in order to make things appear as they aren't.I post how I feel on a no bullsh1t basis.The fact that you said "Ahahaha" or whatever it was and didn't even bother to address Nick with his problem until a bit ago is also kind of lame in my opinion,not that it matters.Since you've offered the shirt...I'll tell you what I'll do with it,I'll raffle it off to one of these guys that likes Fi and either you can send it to them or you can send it to me and I'll send it to them.I don't jump up and down in an excited manner just because someone is giving away freebies.Hmmm...maybe someone will trade me a DD shirt for the Fi shirt ![]() |
Silver Member Username: B3n07Louisville, Ky USA Post Number: 382 Registered: Jul-07 | hey scott can i have a shirt plz i need a rag to check my oil with maybe even clean some of the dirt off the engine P.S. i will never rep a company that isnt true to its customers |
Gold Member Username: Andrew571Stillwater/Edmond, Oklahoma USA Post Number: 1207 Registered: Oct-05 | i took my felt pads off and slept on them, they are comfy :] |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 6699 Registered: Jun-04 | Well Nick this did get you a few things you didnt have before from FI. But I have to agree not paying for shipping both ways isnt fair in my opinion if it is proven to be defective and not misuse like Mr. Atwell is concerned about. And afterall he did admit at least "1 in 1000" DO fail. Its only good business practice in my opinion to stand behind the sub shipping costs both ways if it was from failure. |
Silver Member Username: Tatonka-[Team Audib... Post Number: 952 Registered: Mar-07 | Sean I emailed Scott. Everything is set straight. He did everything completely like a good business should do. I actully have gained alot of respect for scott now. Scott if you're reading this...., happy customer here. |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 6700 Registered: Jun-04 | Thats good Nick. So did he agree to pay shipping both ways if it was from failure and not misuse? |
Silver Member Username: Tatonka-[Team Audib... Post Number: 953 Registered: Mar-07 | Nah, I am going to pay shipping there. It is worth it and really only fair. It worked for a little while when we first got the sub, and then it developed, so we took it out and its been just sitting for like 2 months lol. Now the owner wants some bump back in his truck, so we r going to get it fixed. |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 6701 Registered: Jun-04 | ok well at least your happy |
Gold Member Username: AdddisorderPalm Beach, Florida Post Number: 5227 Registered: Jan-06 | to be honest i dont know of any companies that will pay for shipping to them for something like that. plus scott is running a business not a charity and he takes great care of his customers. |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 6702 Registered: Jun-04 | if the sub was bad from the start id disagree but everyone has their own opinions |
Gold Member Username: AdddisorderPalm Beach, Florida Post Number: 5232 Registered: Jan-06 | but it wasnt bad from the start, that would be a different story. |
Silver Member Username: TejcurrentPost Number: 662 Registered: Apr-07 | ^Exactly. |
New member Username: Josh85Gordon, PA Post Number: 3 Registered: Oct-07 | I want a shirt. Tell me where to send the $$$ |
Gold Member Username: Andrew571Stillwater/Edmond, Oklahoma USA Post Number: 1212 Registered: Oct-05 | I want some shirts also ^^ i want a Fi one and an AA one ;] |
New member Username: Josh85Gordon, PA Post Number: 7 Registered: Oct-07 | What does the letters "FI" stand for anyway? |
Gold Member Username: AdddisorderPalm Beach, Florida Post Number: 5237 Registered: Jan-06 | inFInatly amazing. or something basically Fi is just Fi does stand for something like RE does, or atleast thats what iv been told. |
Silver Member Username: camPost Number: 818 Registered: Nov-06 | I always figured it was fidelity, as in HiFi. |
Platinum Member Username: WingmanaliveA pic is worth 1000 posts!! Post Number: 10498 Registered: Jun-06 | How about simply "FUcking Impressive". Naw. I sound too much like someone who wants a shirt lol. ![]() |
Silver Member Username: Fi_car_audioHades, NV Post Number: 234 Registered: Sep-06 | Andrizzle Paul Larrea Phil HunterW Naledge503 Mat Dope***** Julian Troy Jones Thieves Rob--- to trade for a DD shirt Josh Mcafoose Please send an email to with your real name, Ecoustics name, shirt size and address and Ill get your shirts out. I do request that whatever you use the shirts for, you post pics. (Except for the toilet paper...enough said) Fi is short for Hi-Fi which is short for High Fidelity. While it is supposed to be pronounced as a word like figh, feye... it seems most think its an acronym and use it as eff-eye. I had been saving the name for a few years wanting to use it for a higher end home audio company, but when it came time to name a car audio company I couldnt think of anything and simply took that one. Now Ill need to come up with another home audio name before that project launches. |
Gold Member Username: Joebruce15 AQ HD3 Post Number: 1493 Registered: May-04 | Oh Scott I thought you were just jokin about the shirt giveaway or I would have posted ![]() ![]() |
Silver Member Username: Philly306North carolina Post Number: 453 Registered: Apr-07 | email sent scott THANKS!!!!!!! SCOTT ATWELL FTMFW!!!!!!! |
Silver Member Username: ExplictxGlen Burnie, Maryland USA Post Number: 416 Registered: Mar-07 | Damn looks like im to late for the shirt thing =/ |
Gold Member Username: Th3pwn3rPost Number:... Post Number: 5263 Registered: Jul-06 | How come you listed the reason for mine?I still don't want it though,freebies are not for me.Give it to the first kid you see at world finals wearing some really lame shirt and tell him he has to put it on immediately ![]() |
Gold Member Username: Joebruce15 AQ HD3 Post Number: 1498 Registered: May-04 | Rob can I have yours? Tell Scott to let me have it ![]() |
Gold Member Username: Andrew571Stillwater/Edmond, Oklahoma USA Post Number: 1216 Registered: Oct-05 | Coooooooolllllll Email sent! AA shirts now! lol |
Silver Member Username: TejcurrentPost Number: 664 Registered: Apr-07 | You're the man Scott! And Rob, no one's too good for a free shirt. ![]() |
Platinum Member Username: WingmanaliveA pic is worth 1000 posts!! Post Number: 10502 Registered: Jun-06 | Email sent.![]() |
Silver Member Username: JtownATX, Texas Post Number: 495 Registered: Mar-07 | Email Sent |
Gold Member Username: Th3pwn3rPost Number:... Post Number: 5306 Registered: Jul-06 | "You're the man Scott! And Rob, no one's too good for a free shirt. :-)" I'm not too good for a shirt but I can afford to buy one so.Give the free one to someone who needs it or can't spare money on it.I don't take what I don't need,only greedy f ucks do that type of sh1t. |
Silver Member Username: Big_edge_headMilwaukee, Wisconsin USA Post Number: 680 Registered: Mar-07 | ![]() |
Platinum Member Username: WingmanaliveA pic is worth 1000 posts!! Post Number: 10533 Registered: Jun-06 | I'm not rich and I'm not poor. I get by ok. If I drop $300 on a product, a $5 t-shirt isn't much to ask for. Especially if it's an item that advertises their company, like a sticker. One would think these should be included just to spread the word. My $.02. |
Gold Member Username: 420alldaylongPost Number: 2700 Registered: Sep-06 | DAMN STRAIGHT^^^^^^^^^^ |
Gold Member Username: Nyyfan13Fi SSD USA Post Number: 6445 Registered: Jul-06 | looks like i missed out on the 5 o'clock free t-shirt give away.....damn |
Silver Member Username: Big_edge_headMilwaukee, Wisconsin USA Post Number: 681 Registered: Mar-07 | damn where was i...a free shirt......![]() |
Gold Member Username: AdddisorderPalm Beach, Florida Post Number: 5277 Registered: Jan-06 | yeah its like free advertizing |
Silver Member Username: Big_edge_headMilwaukee, Wisconsin USA Post Number: 685 Registered: Mar-07 | if i got an fi shirt i would where it as my halloween costum and carve the logo fi into a pumkin, sit on my stoop and hand out candy to little kids. is that creative enough?????????????????? ![]() |