Air leaking out of my sub box...


New member
Username: Milnerj

Saint Louis, Missouri United states

Post Number: 1
Registered: Sep-07
I have two 10" visonik subwoofers... (yeah, the cheap ones that come in an "all-in-one" package)... anyway, i've noticed a rattling noise coming from the subwoofer on the right when I listened with the trunk open. Upon further inspection, I felt air leaking out of the side of the box closest to the speakers... any idea how to fix this predicament my cheapness has thrown me into?

Gold Member
Username: Snarl2004

Audioque 12 SD2.5s, Earthquake P...

Post Number: 1661
Registered: Dec-06
well you can fix the raddling by taking a sub out and getting wither glue, calking, or some sort of sealent at liike home depot (i use stuff called goop it works great) as for the rattling just hope thats your box not the sub

Silver Member
Username: Yukhui

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina USA

Post Number: 681
Registered: Jan-06
When doing things such as caulking the leak, keep your subs out of the box for 24 hours.

Silver Member
Username: B3n07

Louisville, Ky USA

Post Number: 321
Registered: Jul-07
lol i had the same problem out of my kickers thought i blew one checked the box they blew it up lol

Gold Member
Username: Th3pwn3r

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Post Number: 4914
Registered: Jul-06
Sometimes going the cheap route costs you more money in the long run.Seal it up with some silicone or other sealant and let it dry for a day and you should be good.
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