I was thinkin the other day and cant you get a ticket for disturbing the peace or something with subs? if i got a ticket like that i would defiantly fame it....
Noise Pollution Ticket some places impound cars for it and it turns out to about 1000$ in fines and such... atleast chicago does fu<k'n bishs....then u get to court and they drop the case most the time
Yeah, really dumb expensive tickets. I've seen tooo many people get those. In the middle of the day I don't see why it's hurting anyone, but that's me.
they aren't really that dumb of tickets. would you drive around with headphones on that can't let you hear anything else? same thing. you're supposed to be able to hear what's going on around you. say in the middle of the day a kid runs from between cars, screaming while doing so, and you hit and kill the kid. all cause you couldn't hear them coming and didn't stop in time. and before anyone says it's the kids/parents fault think of if that was your kid. their laws for a reason.
no bumping in neighborhoods or between the hours of 10pm to 10am
your system is your system....you bought it for you to listen to, if the minivan next to you wanted to hear your sub, they woulda bought one themselves
their are exceptions tho
some include: if the person next to me is smoking and i can smell it, ill put my windows down and turn my system up....you piss me off, ill piss you off. they say something, ill tell them go catch cancer when im not around you. i may sound like a d1ck but i hate the smell of smoke. my mom is a smoker so ive had my fair share of smelling it.
another one, if the person next to you has their system up, you can turn yours up just enough to where you cant hear theirs.
"ill put my windows down and turn my system up....you piss me off, ill piss you off. they say something, ill tell them go catch cancer when im not around you. "
lowering your window will help you smell it even more and increase your chances of getting cancer... your mother hates you yanks...
i play my sh!t loud, whenever i want, if they cant stand it for the 30 seconds the light is red that there problem not mine....
"lowering your window will help you smell it even more and increase your chances of getting cancer... your mother hates you yanks... "
no sh1t driving. if im smelling it with my windows up then whats the use of keeping them up and turning it up? im gonna smell it either way whether my windows are up or down.... the world hates you driving....
i bought a system to listen to it.... if everyone else didnt want to hear it they should sound proof there own car..... system is like road noise to them, its always gunna b there
i almost always have my windows up with A/C on but when theres a car infront of me going under the speed limit or a car cuts in front of me i open my windows and turn it up.
Ive actually gotten people to pull over then they let me pass them and one even flicked me off when i was passing them.
Basicly i hate driving slow so my bass is my way of saying go fast or movie the fu<k out of the way