so im bulding a custom box for my 2 12" alpine type R's to fit in my truck. im going to go with a sealed box.. crutchfield recomends .84 cu. feet. i am going to have the subs in separate boxes. pointing opposite directions. (one forward one back) i have a 1999 dodge ram ext cab. and am going to rip out the middle fold down seat in front to fit the subs. i have an area 24inches(front to back hopefully not the full 24 inches being used...) x 15in (left to right) x anywhere from 14-18 inches(vertically). sooooooo i was wondering what the dimensions of the box be to make the recomended volume? thankss
cant face them up cus i only got 24 inches son. so that obviously wouldnt work. if i have them both forward or back itd be 26 or 27 inches tall. i got around 15 inches. trust me ive looked into everything. its the only way it would fit.and im puttin em in the same box but like seperated.. if that makes any sense. like there will be a divider in the middle. lol. so i guess what im askin is wat would the demensions be on a single type R sealed if its .84 cu. ft.?