ok, the only thing is the box, i doubt ill be able to get 2 in my car, ive heard they suck in sealed so ported optimal needs an 8 cubic ft box, thats huge
its not my first system, although it is my first RE system, i used to have 2 12" L7s. infinity reference, and now i have some P.O.S. volfenhags as of a lack of funds lol. but i have some kids wanting to buy the 15" volfenhags for 500 in a sealed box so more power to them, thats why im getting the SX's. ill probabally go with 2 15s untill i get my parents durango then ill just take the back apart to fit the bigger boxes. any how do i do poly in a ported? wont it blow out?
i do, but in the box they are in, they arent horrible sounding, and they really like them so...yeah, and im thinking about 2 15"s that need a 4 cu. ft box and bumping it to 3 cu. ft with alot of fill
new question, if i am running a 1200w system now with the lights flickering, ill for sure need to upgrade my electrical with a 2000w rms system, what all will i need to do, alternator, big 3, cap, new battery? or just a couple of them. i dont want to pump a whole lot into that because i dont know how long ill have this car. thanks
welll theres no point in investing is an HO alt if you dont know how long youll have the car... just buy a couple batts and do the big three and you should be alright with your gains watched