Thanks usps


Silver Member
Username: Jesse59672


Post Number: 559
Registered: Feb-07

more to come..

Gold Member
Username: Th3pwn3r

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Post Number: 4463
Registered: Jul-06
:-( 4 gauge.

Gold Member
Username: Th3pwn3r

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Post Number: 4464
Registered: Jul-06
Oh and this is probabaly one of the only threads that I've seen where someone actually thanks USPS.

Gold Member
Username: Drivingreckless

DD 9515f, 148.2 db Mov...

Post Number: 4099
Registered: Apr-06
" 4 gauge."

im sure its fine for his application...not everyone can afford 0 guage 4 15s and 4 1200 watt amps.....

nice lot of wires man....

Gold Member
Username: Th3pwn3r

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Post Number: 4465
Registered: Jul-06
Should I take pictures of all the 4 gauge I have sitting around?

"" 4 gauge."

im sure its fine for his application...not everyone can afford 0 guage 4 15s and 4 1200 watt amps.....

nice lot of wires man...."

Get a decent job then.If I can afford all the bills I have since I haven't lived with my mommy and daddy since I was 18 I'm sure everyone that still lives with their parents can get a half-way decent job and get the same equipment I have.Good thing I don't have any drug or alcohol addictions and I don't smoke so...that helps.

Gold Member
Username: Adam_s

Post Number: 1894
Registered: Aug-04
When I first saw this thread I thought it was sarcastic and there was gonna be some busted up sh1t. lol

Gold Member
Username: Drivingreckless

DD 9515f, 148.2 db Mov...

Post Number: 4100
Registered: Apr-06
"Get a decent job then.If I can afford all the bills I have since I haven't lived with my mommy and daddy since I was 18 I'm sure everyone that still lives with their parents can get a half-way decent job and get the same equipment I have.Good thing I don't have any drug or alcohol addictions and I don't smoke so...that helps."

who cares what you have.....
who cares what you do.......
who cares about you?????????
aparently mommy doesnt if she kicked you out...

Gold Member
Username: Th3pwn3r

Post Number:...

Post Number: 4466
Registered: Jul-06
"When I first saw this thread I thought it was sarcastic and there was gonna be some busted up sh1t. lol"

That's exactly what I thought.

Bronze Member
Username: Santa_fe

Post Number: 69
Registered: Jul-07
have any 8 gauge? for sale

Silver Member
Username: Jesse59672


Post Number: 560
Registered: Feb-07
no, don't have any 8ga. and on 900ish rms i think 4ga will be fine. its not even for my car, its my gf's install im doing and she doesn't need anything great. oh and UPS is the one who suck. the us post office always come through with me.

true story i ordered a laptop and it was shipped via UPS. anyways the box was opened when i got it and it was all f*cked

Gold Member
Username: Th3pwn3r

Post Number:...

Post Number: 4470
Registered: Jul-06
"true story i ordered a laptop and it was shipped via UPS. anyways the box was opened when i got it and it was all f*cked"

That's what happens at both UPS and Fedex.I worked at UPS over-nights and they told us we had to throw the packages to be more "Efficient",my brother in law worked at Fedex and said it was the same way.It's pretty funny.

Gold Member
Username: The_image_dynamic

San Diego

Post Number: 2730
Registered: Dec-06
4 gauge will be perfectly fine for his application. I think alot of you are brainwashed thinking you need 1 gauge for everything you do because the majority of people here use it. But the majority of the people here are also morons with only second-hand knowledge and the fact remains that 4 gauge is relatively beefy wire and Knu makes quality stuff.
I do thoroughly enjoy the ongoing lovers quarrel between Rob and Dave though... keep it up ladies


Gold Member
Username: Th3pwn3r

Post Number:...

Post Number: 4474
Registered: Jul-06
I never once said there was anything wrong with 4 gauge.Would I post a thread about getting 4 gauge?Nope.If I did I would have made a good 4 threads with pics of my 4 gauge wire.You should have gone with Hyperflex.It may be a bit more expensive but that stuff is so nice to work with.As far as David goes...that virgin is jealous of me for many reasons that I won't waste the time to list.

Gold Member
Username: The_image_dynamic

San Diego

Post Number: 2734
Registered: Dec-06
I guess man-ass doesn't count as being laid?

Fanning the fire is not only my obligation, but my purpose in life.

Gold Member
Username: Wingmanalive

A pic is worth 1000 posts!!

Post Number: 9662
Registered: Jun-06
You're evil Brad.


Silver Member
Username: Jesse59672


Post Number: 571
Registered: Feb-07
couple more things came in..


Silver Member
Username: Jesse59672


Post Number: 574
Registered: Feb-07

Bronze Member
Username: Trevor_r

Bastrop, L.A Us

Post Number: 18
Registered: Jul-07
lol i have 4/0 layin around in the back of my truck i got like 20ft of big 3 left 2 lol
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