I was wondering if you didn't have a upgraded alternator could you run a small battery like a lawn mower battery in the trunk of the car and hook it up to the amp? wouldn't this decrease the load on the alternator since the battery is small and doesn't need alot of voltage
but would you be able to do this week a stock alt for a SATURN SL2 I think it's about 90amps, but I am nervous because my brother had the same battery in his trunk (he drives a Chevy Lumina) and he killed his front battery so.....
well, this is where this get risky.....what amp are u gunna run off this second battery, an isolater, so what ur saying is toss a switch between ur main batt in front and the second one in back???? In the end u still have to rechage that batt in the back....and on a small mower batt im not sure how long u play ur subs, once again depending on ur amp/current draw
lolz he does have a point...do ya really need that batt in the back??? What are running??..if ya juts want the batt in back relocate the main batt to the back = )