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Silver Member
Username: Darkale85

Averil park , Ny Renn

Post Number: 279
Registered: Jan-06
i know this is in the wrong section but i need an answer and no one is saying anything in the amp section...... i recintly bought a clarion APA 4201 amp and was wondering if any one knew anything about this amp?? good,bad,ok anything at all would be awsome thanks for your time

Gold Member
Username: Extrmndor3

Post Number: 6689
Registered: Feb-06

Silver Member
Username: Darkale85

Averil park , Ny Renn

Post Number: 280
Registered: Jan-06
thank you and one more question any chance you know the numbers it would put out rms wise?

Gold Member
Username: Extrmndor3

Post Number: 6690
Registered: Feb-06
im pretty damn sure it will be close.. man clarion is alright and good on their headunits... dont worry too much man atleast u did not get some pyramid or shyt like that

Silver Member
Username: Darkale85

Averil park , Ny Renn

Post Number: 281
Registered: Jan-06
allright thanks for the input now i found some info on a apa 4101 thanks to amp guts the specs are
4 x 25W @ 4 ohms
4 x 40W @ 2 ohms
2 x 65W @ 4 ohms
now on the front of the amp it says 50 x 4 so my guess would be close to double that?

Gold Member
Username: Extrmndor3

Post Number: 6693
Registered: Feb-06
thats peak of the 4x25 rms ..

so expect 4 x 25 rms 3-/+ watts at 4 ohms

Silver Member
Username: Darkale85

Averil park , Ny Renn

Post Number: 282
Registered: Jan-06
oooooo thanks alot for all of your help
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