May not be at the comp this weekend... got home to day, changed shoes, went to go get my son from daycare, car won't start...probably Nuetral Safety Switch. going to get it looked at tomorrow.
Sorry man. My truck needs work as well. I'm reluctant because today every time you need work done it always winds up costing $1000. They always find something.
Lol, 8's aren't soooo bad. One of my very first setups was a pair of 8's in a crappy prefab sitting on my back seat powered by a Jensen amp. That sounded creepy, too much like Wolfman's setup lol. Well I WAS 17 at least.
i'm in the same boat , got my system all ttuned go to pull in and my steerings all effed when i turn to the right my wheel binds up bad. i can't even drive, it's ether my power steering pump or rack theres no doubt in my mind. btw wolf is ur key chipped? like a anti theft chip in it and has ur car had intermitint starting problems? if do it's the ignition cylinder lock theres two wires that sense the key for the V.A.T.S system they break over time and the ignition lock assembly al needs replacement i had to do it. it ran 250 for key and whole igntion setup at the dealer, without install. btw the vats 2 system shuts off fuel and spark u coluld crank till u kill the batt and starter it never turn over.
funny wolfman, today literally i was driving, radio off, and i went to pull onto a street from a stop light and my car did the same sh!t BUT it woudnt' kick over, it was acting weird. so i pushed the car into a parkinglot and opened the hood, wiggled the positive wire and tried it....started right up. and what year is ur neon?
2004...and what its doing is the key turns, but nothing else happens. radio/ac work fine, so doubtful it has to do wit the battery I'll try rechecking the wiring tomorrow, but its prob. gonna have to go to the shop...damnit
or even wires going to the key but does sound like that switch it's usually one of 2. even a starter is possible but it wouldn't just go dead far as i know.
well, good news, Its a small part behind the ignition, cost for part $2
bad news> Dodge doesn't sell JUST that part, you have to buy the whole steering column
good news>The guy might have the part in one of his junked cars OR he can go to the local U-Pull It Auto Parts and get one..should have the car back tomorrow...yay, COMP Here I come!!!