I just installed a Hifonics 1206d for a 12" SSD at 1 ohm. Voltage at the amp stays at 14.6 and only drops to 14.3. When music is played, or sometimes when I turn the truck on, it goes into protect. I have adjusted the gain almost all the way down and it still does this. I have triple checked the ohm load, and when I'm playing music, its 1.4 at the amp. But when music is off, its at .5, should that be happening? Bass EQ is all the way off, still happens. It is hooked up to sotck Hu with a LOC recieving the signal from the rear speakers. The bass on the HU is even all the way down.
Can any1 give me even a clue of wehat it could be?
I figured out what the problem was. The LOC kept making it go into protect. I plugged in my iPod directly into the amp using RCAs and it never once went into protect. I guess he is going to go buy a aftermarket HU, since it should have better performace anyway?
If your amp goes in protect when you said that when you turn your truck it might be that something in the power or ground wires are shorting out... the amp has a short protection and if your amp is going into protect that migth be the cause...
also you can get a switch that goes form yoru amplifier remote wire to the switch from the switch to the 12 volt so you could turn yoru truck then turn the amp...
^^^^ those are some cause but since im writing this i saw that you problem was the loc it might be shorting out on the inside of the LOC...
try re grounding the LOC if that doesnt work you migth get a new head unit..
also dont know if you know my AIM screen name i have a headunit i could sell to you and it will work wonders.
The LOC doesnt even have a ground on it. It just uses the rear right and left + and - then theres a little black box, then there are RCA outputs that plug into the amp