As most of you know, I wanted to upgrade to a pair of MartinLogan Clarity speakers, being impressed with them the times I have heard them.
I had Melissa Etheridge, "Yes I Am" with me this time. This was the disc that really broke her out. I wanted to hear how the Logans coped with her throaty voice.
Well, to say I was underwhelmed is an understatement. Her voice uncovered a nasty resonance in the woofer enclosure, emphasized on nasal consonants and blurring the transients. I realise that her voice is unique, but it baffles me that I didn't hear it before.
Yes, I listened to a variety of styles with a variety of vocals, but it is usually the same material. I, like most of you, have my "autition material", but wanted to bring something else that I tend to listen to frequently.
I have heard this CD on a system fronted by the Innersound Eros, so AFAIK what I heard is in the CD.
but ugh, as soon as that became obvious to me, nothing sounded right in the 300-500hz region.