I have been working on a box this weekend to fit into my cadi, its basically in pieces i can put togethor inside of the trunk, im using L brackets and screws. I can screw the box down pretty good togethor except for the top but the brackets should do fairly good on it along with side support. The box is about 7.5ft before displacments. Im doing drop in slot ports as well. I have about 2.5-3Krms to throw at the single DD9515F from the Zx2500.1 my question.... will the box bottom out my sub with that power and size tuned to 40hz? Also.... would that be suitable for a good burp box with the higher tuned drop in? Any final tiny changes will take place today before i start putting it together inside the trunk. This is the first install i did that i thought looks matterd in my own ride... i didnt care about the blazer so i am hiding the amp and all behind the box and the only way to get to it is by the small entry in the middle of the backseat, or taking the backseat out.
Ok...still no responses but i changed it a bit so now the interior without displacments is 6.9cu the sub takes .23cu and my port is going to take up about 1ft or so so i should be about 5.5-6cu the sub should handle the power right?