so my subs just stopping playing the only thing i heard was a pop and then nothing, i know that when subs blow you ususally get that strong burn smell but i didnt thats why i was wondering if it could be somthing else, i checked all the wires and the amp powers on so what could it be or is it blown? thanks
1) go to your local store and say to them listen mate i wanna buy a sub, they will be like yeah mate buy this one, and u'll be like dude i need to test how it sounds so if its ok can u just quickly dash it in the boot. you will now know whether its ur connections or ur sub.
2) if you have a friend wiv sounds then quickly connect up their sub to ur amp and see what happens.
secret step 3) keep the volume low to avoid blowing ur mates sub or just lower the gain on the amp even
i found out its not my subs its my amp but i cant figure out whats wrong with it i checked all the goes into protect at first and then it goes back to normal i just dont get any output what else should i try
when you hear a pop that means that your amp blew an output channels thats the symptom. when a sub blows it regularly plays very loud and a smell start coming from the sub or enclosure
Mike, if your sub was scraping on the first time you played it, you should have sent it back to AA because the fcked up setting the coil. If it only scraped when you pushed down, you were doing it wrong and not applying equal pressure.