Greetings I have a double image on the screen...more specifically, a mirror image of the picture, red-colored and inverted and placed over top of "original" picture.
I tried the DVD player and Xbox with is definitely a TV issue...
Getting frustrated with this TV...had to replace the bulb after only 6 months...any advise? (repairman can't come out for another 2.5 weeks!)
Not certain how old the TV is...Hold on...I do see "January 2005" on the back where the model numbers and such are. Don't see anything regarding "Z-series" on the back nor in the manual.
I purchased it from Best Buy in May 2006.
Hmmm...I suppose I gotta pay this maintenance guy his ridiculous fee to come "check out the problem", eh?
Honestly, I would contact JVC directly through their web site with digital pictures of the problem attached. Your real issue is going to be that you are outside the warranty period of one year. Did you buy an extended warranty? If not, it probably isn't going to be worth fixing. The new light engine, unless JVC cuts you a deal, is $700. Couple that with a repair visit, installation, etc. and you're looking at $1,000. Do you put $1,000.00 into this TV when the new TVs are $1,500.00?