hey i currently have the brutis 1ohm 1600 on my juggernaut in the pic the juggernaut with the cone missing has both voice coils working the other one only has/had 1 voice coil working (both are dual voice coil) i first had the 1 voice coil jugg hookedup to the brutis,n in 2 weeks it blew, then i put the other jugg on the brutis n it plays loud but not as loud as the 1 voice coil jugg did (i glued the cone thing bac on b4 playing it) im guessing its not as loud becasue when on 1 voice coil (1.4 ohm) it was geting more power then on both running seris at(2.8 ohm), i think? im not that experienced with systems but if i get the 2000 watt brutis n run in series will i exceed the juggs handling power (1400-rms) or should i even get the brutis for it? i read alot of bad things about hifoncis like they dont put out as much power as there amps claim to is the d100hc worth the money and is there a good setup where i can have 2 amps 1 on each voice coil, or is that a waste of time? any feedbac will help thanks
could you explain that one again? kinda hard to decipher. and what are the vc of the subs, dual 2 or 4ohm vc?
and the sub with only 1 vc working, you had the amp hooked up to only the working vc? you know it's not a good thing to have a dual vc sub and have an amp on only one of them. and yes, you can run 2 amps to a single sub. but sounds like maybe you shouldn't really do that.
the vc on the subs are dual 1.4 ohms each i got both of them from my fren and one had a bad voice coil from when i got it i didnt get them at the sam time i got the one with the bad voice coil first the person who hooked my system up for me told me that it would be fine on the 1 voice coil common sense told me that was to much power going to 1 voice coil but i dont no much bout systems so i went with his word it blew, but i wasnt really mad cuz i had to get it reconed anyways with the other jugg i got it wired in series but its not hiting as hard as the first jugg did i no with the brutis i got now i aint realy geting the full potential out of the jugg but i want to know the best course i should take to get more out of it i no i can hook up a amp on each VC but should I? just wanna no if its worth it dont no if i should do that get the 2000watt brutis or spend big money on a amp dat drops to .5 ohms