My friend is getting two type R's and a massive audio p1000 amp. is the four gauge cable he already has in his car big enough? and is the massive audio amp a good amp for them subs?
I like them a lot, they really do slam with the right amount of power! I think the MA amp will be just fine. I am selling my Type R's though, but not because I dont like them. It's a heavy load in the back, and im lookin to get like 1 15" Fi Q. Do you or do you know anyone that would be interested in them. I bought em 2 months ago, and installed them roughly a half a month to a month later and they havent seen much playtime. Under 7 hours I'd say. Let me know.
r's are great beginnner subs imo. i had them and like them alright. and that amp would be o.k. if actually rated, better if underrated, but r's can hadle more daily. if wanted he can give them 800wrms daily and be fine. given he sets the gain correct.