im buying a pre-fab. box for two kicker comp 12" 4ohm subs, what would be a good box for what i have and where could i buy it?. my subs are in a ford explorer. and no custom made box's, i already got ripped off once by alex farris
idk, he took forever to send it, then when he said he sent it he really didnt cause it got left at his grandpa's house. so i waited like another three weeks and it still never came after he said he sent it again. about 5 months later i finally got my money returned. but where can i get a box for my needs?
i have a crappy bandpass box that i got for free, my subs about rattle the glass of the front of it, im pretty sure i need a ported box, any suggestions?
come on, not all pre-fabs can suck, seriously, how much better can a custom box be over a pre-fab???? there has to be a decent pre-fab box i can buy for my subs
custom box is WAY better than prefabs. sealed prefabs aren't to bad i guess, but ported is even worse. get a nice one made to the specs of the sub and you'll see the difference.
idk, i just want a better box that i can buy and just get it over with, i dont know if i want to go through all that crap of havin a custom one built for me again, would them custom box's be priced for under 120?
I just noticed what subs you're using...... kicker comps are not exactly real good/powerful subs, so I'd say you could use a prefab for those. It would have to be a sealed though, cause the ported ones will sound like crap (high port tuning).
Well, I've had a couple sealed prefab boxes, and I've made a couple myself. The prefab's were great boxes. As far as ported goes, you just have to find a prefab fit to the specs you want. Not all of them are tuned too high. I've liked Q-Logic boxes in the past, but Kicker also had prefab boxes for some of their subs. So you could go that way.
q-logic boxes suck imo. overpriced cra_p that for the price of it you could get a custom one made. and the kicker prefabs from what i understand are tuned high.
Prefab boxes are not constructed well and usually use thin (like 5/8") MDF. But like I said, for low power subs a sealed one would probably work ok if you could find one the correct volume.