I've read enough to understand the basic debate about using a car amp for home use. So I only have a few questions. I have a PC power supply that is rated to supply 17 Amps at 12v DC. I have an old Kenwood 600 Watt amplifier that has 20 amp fuses on it. I am not looking to hook up a bass system right now. Maybe a small woofer at most in the future(6x9 at largest). If I hook the amplifier up to the PC supply will it work or will it just sound crappy? The use of this amplifier is more for a coolness factor. I could get an inexpensive home system, but it just wouldn't be the same for my set-up. Thanks for any help.
you could use it, but i doubt your gunna get 600 watts outa it, expect to get about 150-200rms outa it, but when you do it make shure you dont play it loud enough that the amp cutts out, or you will fry your amp
i've read this before on many other places but don't quote me on it. i've heard u need to string at least 4 power supplys together to get decent power, and sustain it. keep in mine the power supply carrys a fuse. if u run it to hard besides blowin the amp, u could blow the power supplys internal fuse. thier just not practical to fix so keep in mind not to expect miracles. it's pretty much a ifl rating case. (if lighting strikes )
a miracle... are u serious? you want that for home use? the only thing i can say is do home work on retail stores. find out what a retail store uses to power all it's amps and so on. powering something like that is just to far out of my knowledge. you would need like a massive amount esp for home use. like 200 amps maybe less. that would be like haveing maybe 20 or 30 atx power supplys i mean its highly un practical. your talkin a system that would just demand raw amounts of brute power for a house.