Hey guys - I recently bought a Yamaha dvd player with upconvert. It doesn't have an Optical Audio Output, but my plasma (Pioneer 5060HD) does. I figured I'd be able to run the HDMI from the new dvd player into the plasma, then run the optical Audio out into my 7.1 surround receiver. It's just not working. I've screwed with all the settings and everything, but it still doesn't work. The video looks great, but I'm not getting any audio to my receiver. What can I do? Thanks for any help!
Tim, as far as I know, digital audio outputs on all HDTVs are active only when the TV is receiving an OTA digital signal through its ATSC tuner via antenna. So any other audio signal being sent to the TV via HDMI or via R/L analog line in does not get routed through the TV's digital audio output.
Your Yamaha DVD player does have a coax digital audio output, and this is what you should use to send the audio into the receiver.