I just picked up a set of HD-62s and I was wondering what is an ideal crossover point for these drivers. Over on CA, many people were telling another guy with this set to set them at 100hz, but I think that may be a little high for me.
I have a 12" Fi Q (in a low-tuned ported box) which is known to lack in the 60+ hz range, so I was also wondering if my freq range from 60-100 would be horrible if I set them this high. What do you think?
you can try your HPF set at a lower frequency but usually the HD does fine at 100hz and still gets good response in the midbass region. 80hz at a 18db slope would be a nice place to start. No need to put them at 63hz because unless you have them in pods, the woofer will not be as controlled IMO.