Silver Member
Username: Mike11202


Post Number: 199
Registered: Nov-06
The box was built today, 4.27 cubes @27hz.

Now I disconnected my current sub JBL 12" which was wired at 3ohms and connected the Fi Q at 1 ohm. IT DOESNT POWER ON.

The amp is an Elemental Designs NINe.1

Before you say the fuses are blown, I wired correctly to 1 ohm, put the JBL back in and it worked fine.

What could be the problem?

Silver Member
Username: Snarl2004

Audioque 12 SD2.5s, Earthquake P...

Post Number: 867
Registered: Dec-06
make sure all the connections inside the box are tight. if theres a connection that has come loose somewhere between the amp and sub then it wont play at all.

Silver Member
Username: Snarl2004

Audioque 12 SD2.5s, Earthquake P...

Post Number: 868
Registered: Dec-06
and r u saying the amp doesnt power on or the sub just dosnt play?

Gold Member
Username: Nd4spd18

Southeast PA

Post Number: 1666
Registered: Jul-06
3 ohms?! WTF coils does that sub have SVC? DVC?

Now onto the Q, what coils does that have, and how did you wire it.

Silver Member
Username: Mike11202


Post Number: 201
Registered: Nov-06
Alright, the JBL is dual 6, and Q is dual 2.

The amp powers on, the connections have to be tight because after the Q didnt work i hooked up the JBL and it played.

I wired + to left + and - to right -

Silver Member
Username: Snarl2004

Audioque 12 SD2.5s, Earthquake P...

Post Number: 875
Registered: Dec-06
you used all the same wires to hook up the JBL as you used to hook up the Q?

Silver Member
Username: Snarl2004

Audioque 12 SD2.5s, Earthquake P...

Post Number: 876
Registered: Dec-06
you wired the Q like this right?...


Silver Member
Username: Mike11202


Post Number: 202
Registered: Nov-06
Yeah I used that diagram

Silver Member
Username: Snarl2004

Audioque 12 SD2.5s, Earthquake P...

Post Number: 879
Registered: Dec-06
you used all the same wires to hook up the JBL as you used to hook up the Q?

Silver Member
Username: Mike11202


Post Number: 203
Registered: Nov-06
Yea same wires i dont know whats wrong

Gold Member
Username: Nd4spd18

Southeast PA

Post Number: 1671
Registered: Jul-06
You say the amp doesn't turn on when the Q is hooked up?!!!!!

Or does it turn on and just not play?

Silver Member
Username: Mike11202


Post Number: 204
Registered: Nov-06
The amp does turn on, the sub just doesnt play

Silver Member
Username: Snarl2004

Audioque 12 SD2.5s, Earthquake P...

Post Number: 880
Registered: Dec-06
idk that doesnt sound good. if the JBL works and the Q doesnt and all of the wiring is set up right there might be something wrong with the sub. email or call scott tomarrow or hope he see's this thread and mabey he can give u some info

Silver Member
Username: Mike11202


Post Number: 205
Registered: Nov-06
I had a couple friends check it out, JBL works perfectly, when I wire the sub correctly and turn it on I get no response.

Gold Member
Username: Nd4spd18

Southeast PA

Post Number: 1673
Registered: Jul-06
Don't go jumping to conclusions about the sub being the problem.

Mike, use a DMM to measure the resistance (ohms) across the amp's speaker + and - terminals with the sub hooked up (and the system off). You should get ~1 ohm (you won't get exactly that). If you get some really low number, you have a short somewhere.

Silver Member
Username: Mike11202


Post Number: 206
Registered: Nov-06
Why would my JBL work then?

Gold Member
Username: Logan__tille

Http://com4.runboard.c..., Imortal Box ... Logan116600@...

Post Number: 6980
Registered: Feb-06
flip switches and turn knobs until it works

Gold Member
Username: Nd4spd18

Southeast PA

Post Number: 1675
Registered: Jul-06
Oh wait, didn't see the part about same wires. when you say same wires does that mean you are disconnecting the wires from the JBL subs terminals and connecting them to the Q's terminals? And not touching anything else? If that's the case, then the wiring is good.

Use the DMM to measure resistance across both the subs coils. They should each be ~2 ohms. In order to cause this condition when wired in parallel, BOTH coils would have to be bad, which is highly unlikely. But check it anyways.

Silver Member
Username: Snarl2004

Audioque 12 SD2.5s, Earthquake P...

Post Number: 882
Registered: Dec-06
or get a hammer and start hitting things one at a time and if ur really lucky u might get it to work...;)

Gold Member
Username: Wingmanalive

A pic is worth 1000 posts!!

Post Number: 5699
Registered: Jun-06
Have you peaked at the tinsel leads at all? Sh1t happens. Who knows.

Silver Member
Username: Mike11202


Post Number: 207
Registered: Nov-06
Yes, I am disconnecting from the JBL then connecting to the Q and i get nothing.

I don't know anything about the tinsel leads anyway haha.

Ill take it to an audio shop tomorrow and get it checked out I guess

Silver Member
Username: Hgihkcin

Lincoln, NE

Post Number: 139
Registered: Sep-05
try wiring the Q in a series... the exact resistance is 1.5ohms so ur giving it .75 ohms in reality, which might be the cause.. if it works when you wire it in a series then the resistance is too low.

Gold Member
Username: Adam_s

15 TC9 Hybrid, RE MT Softparts

Post Number: 1028
Registered: Aug-04
The red arrow points to the tinsel leads check and see if they arent connected.

Silver Member
Username: Mike11202


Post Number: 210
Registered: Nov-06
Scott told me the NINe.1 is fine

"The NINe.1 should be a good match, but be sure to get the subsonic filter setup correctly (about 25Hz)"

Ill check the leads tomorrow its too dark out right now.

Gold Member
Username: Nd4spd18

Southeast PA

Post Number: 1678
Registered: Jul-06
Check your sub's coils with a DMM like I said

Silver Member
Username: Mike11202


Post Number: 214
Registered: Nov-06
how much do DMM's cost?

Silver Member
Username: Mike11202


Post Number: 215
Registered: Nov-06

Silver Member
Username: Mrskullz1

Brooklyn, New York

Post Number: 191
Registered: Feb-07
dude...steinkea...wtf is that in the top of the pic? finger? hand?

lol..scared me for some reason when i first seen it

Gold Member
Username: Adam_s

15 TC9 Hybrid, RE MT Softparts

Post Number: 1037
Registered: Aug-04
Its a hand. lol

Gold Member
Username: Stnorris


Post Number: 2130
Registered: Apr-06
if the resistance is ~2 ohms or not, thats not gunna really help...it sounds like the sub is messed up someway or another....u prolly just need to call scott in the morning and ask him, and probably send it back...

Gold Member
Username: Wingmanalive

A pic is worth 1000 posts!!

Post Number: 5714
Registered: Jun-06
A cheap DMM can cost $20. Good one, well,.......

Silver Member
Username: Mike11202


Post Number: 217
Registered: Nov-06
whats scott's number? i dont see it on the fi website

Gold Member
Username: Nd4spd18

Southeast PA

Post Number: 1695
Registered: Jul-06
" if the resistance is ~2 ohms or not, thats not gunna really help...it sounds like the sub is messed up someway or another....u prolly just need to call scott in the morning and ask him, and probably send it back... "

If there is something wrong with the sub's coil causing an open circuit, he will not get a reading on the DMM. Believe it or not I do have a reason for telling him to check that......

Silver Member
Username: Fi_car_audio

Hades, NV

Post Number: 154
Registered: Sep-06
No number to reach me... but thats why I check here at least once a day :-)

Id say you need to do a pop test on the coils to make sure that the polarity is correct. Take a 9v battery, your cars battery, the 18V battery out of your Makita... and put a wire from + of one terminal to the + of the battery, then the - from one terminal to quickly touch the - of the battery. This should pop things in the outward direction. Then do the same for the other coil. If it pops in the wrong direction, then check to make sure the terminals are facing the correct direction or that the little colored (red and black) bands are on the correct + and - of the terminal. DO NOT let the battery sit connected to the sub. It can make things mad...

Once it is determined that both coils work, then hook up the + of each coil to the + of the wires that go to the amp, and the - of each coil to the - of the wires that go to the amp. Pop test again to make sure that it moves in the same direction (you always need to pay attention to polarity). If not, reverse the + and - on one coil and see if it works...

Sounds to me as if it is simply wired out of phase some how.


Silver Member
Username: Mike11202


Post Number: 218
Registered: Nov-06
Scott I understand you trying to help, but I have no experience at all with Car Audio and would not be able to do that.

I will take it to a shop and have it metered with a DMM, if its not wiring, I will send it back since there would obviously be a problem with the sub that I myself cannot fix or test without creating a worse problem.

Gold Member
Username: Th3pwn3r

Post Number:...

Post Number: 2047
Registered: Jul-06
"Scott I understand you trying to help, but I have no experience at all with Car Audio and would not be able to do that."

That's a big problem right there :-( Keep on reading and hopefully, you'll keep on learning.

Silver Member
Username: Mike11202


Post Number: 219
Registered: Nov-06
Im not saying that I dont know anything, I am saying I haven't worked with any electrical parts in an install.

Silver Member
Username: Fi_car_audio

Hades, NV

Post Number: 160
Registered: Sep-06
Mike... Id bet you $5 that you could do it. (chance of winning $5 and saving the cost of a trip to the car audio shop).

This one is really easy to do, and if you email me Ill give you my cell so that I can walk you through it. Scott@FiCarAudio.com


Silver Member
Username: Mike11202


Post Number: 220
Registered: Nov-06
I went to Walmart after school and bought a pack of 9v batteries, $5.68 and waited for your e-mail back that I sent at around 1:00 this afternoon.

I scheduled an appointment at Sound Fx tomorrow for them to check it out, another $35.00 minimum charge.

Gold Member
Username: Denali_on_22s

Hit you in the chest m...

Post Number: 2062
Registered: Feb-06
Don't get snickety. Scott is trying to help without you having to go through sh!t. Chill out bro.

Silver Member
Username: Mike11202


Post Number: 221
Registered: Nov-06
I wasnt being snickety or watever you want to call it, I just need my bass back asap

Silver Member
Username: Mike11202


Post Number: 222
Registered: Nov-06

Silver Member
Username: Fi_car_audio

Hades, NV

Post Number: 162
Registered: Sep-06
Got home a little bit ago and I think I already got to your email. Check your email when you get a chance...


Bronze Member
Username: Jtown

Post Number: 94
Registered: Mar-07
You are way to impatient, and must have money to WASTE!

Silver Member
Username: Mike11202


Post Number: 223
Registered: Nov-06
take your subs out and see how long you last
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