1. Have installed 4 pair JBL SP6 8 ohm in-wall/ceiling speakers in 4 rooms. 2. Have installed Proficient Audio VC60i impedance balancing volume controls for three of these (the last pair is in the main stereo room).
Query Do I need an 4-channel amplifier, or a regular amplifier and a speaker selector? Is it a problem that the volume controls are impedance matching, but one speaker pair has none?
The theory on all this was that all speakers would be 'on' all the time, but three pair would be controlled by the in-room volume control. The last pair would be controlled by the amp volume control, since they're in the main listening room. I could install another volume control in that room, though it seems a bit redundant, as it would be next to the amp.
FYI Plan to use one main input source: initially a PC with FLAC audio files, then possibly a Sonos system with two zones.
If by "regular" amplifier you mean average build quality for a receiver, you might want to set your sights a bit higher than that target. Look for a receiver or amplifier capable of driving low impedance loads (without a protection switch) and buy as good as the budget allows and you should be able to deal with a well built speaker selector. Ideally, I would have suggested an autoformer based impedance matching speaker selector, which would have placed all the speakers on an output consistent in its load. If you still have options, that is where I would head.
I'm not certain from your post whether the four pairs of speakers are all that will be asked to play at one time or whether these might be adjuncts to a home theater set up. If the latter, then I would reconsider my answer.