Memphis 4 kw


Silver Member
Username: Killswitchjd

Post Number: 401
Registered: Apr-06
If I run this at 2 ohms how many amps would that pull constantly at about 3/4 volume?
I was just wondering if 2 ohm and 1 ohm operation will change how many amps it uses.

Silver Member
Username: Killswitchjd

Post Number: 403
Registered: Apr-06
4000 watts RMS @ 1 ohm
2000 watts RMS @ 2 ohms
1000 watts RMS @ 4 ohms

280 amps
140 amps
70 amps

Bronze Member
Username: Big_edge_head

Post Number: 41
Registered: Mar-07
dude does it matter? if u got a good alt. u should be fine do the big 3 too

Silver Member
Username: Waterboy2289

Georgia, DiRtY SoUtH ... 2 18 SX w/ ...

Post Number: 232
Registered: Jan-06
More like:

"I was just wondering if 2 ohm and 1 ohm operation will change how many amps it uses."
yes, using will 1ohm will greatly increase the current draw over 2ohm

Gold Member
Username: Nd4spd18

Southeast PA

Post Number: 1457
Registered: Jul-06
Hey Nate, where can I get one of those 100% efficient Memphis 4kws? lol. The numbers matt posted are a more accurate guess.

" yes, using will 1ohm will greatly increase the current draw over 2ohm "

Usually true. Most amplifiers affiance drops substantially as the impedance is lowered. When a manufacturer gives you an efficiency rating, it is usually a 4 ohm rating.

Bronze Member
Username: Ridinspinnas

Cayuga, Ontario Canada

Post Number: 85
Registered: May-06
what happens if u have say a 225 alt amp and a few yellow top batteries, will you be ok if u run it at 1 ohm and have a few capacitors, will it run ok with this amp?

Silver Member
Username: Killswitchjd

Post Number: 406
Registered: Apr-06
I was thinking a 350 amp alternator, a yellow top or Kinetik battery (for the back, stock up front or redtop) and a 4 farad capacitor (in that order).
Sounds like a decent start to a charging system

Gold Member
Username: Ctmike


Post Number: 3942
Registered: Feb-06
take out the cap. and that's a good start to a decent charging system. spend the money you would on a cap. towards an extra battery.

Silver Member
Username: Killswitchjd

Post Number: 408
Registered: Apr-06
or an isolator to run that extra battery

Gold Member
Username: Nd4spd18

Southeast PA

Post Number: 1481
Registered: Jul-06
Lose the capacitor, and do Kinetik batteries for both. You don't want to mix different batteries.

Gold Member
Username: Johnfiac

151.9db Dail... My wangers b...

Post Number: 2296
Registered: Mar-06
350 Amp alt? where you getting that??? Its not going to be a direct bolt on... you need to find somhere to make custom brackets for a second alternator and thats ussualy around 2Gz from what i hear... i still cant even find anywhere to get it done for myself..

Gold Member
Username: Nyyfan13


Post Number: 4738
Registered: Jul-06
I would get a 240 or 260 amp alternator if you can. This will be sufficient enough for 4k.
Get 1 kinetik 2400 and do the big 3."

this is what bernymac recommended to me when i was trying to get info on upgrading in the future

Gold Member
Username: Nd4spd18

Southeast PA

Post Number: 1563
Registered: Jul-06

Umm, do you realize that a 4kw amp can draw MUCH more current than that. For a 4kw system, you want the biggest alternator you can possibly get.
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