does anyone know if you can cut out a circle with a regualr router, not the plunge router. I think you can if you can cut a hole for the bit first to set the bit in, but i want to be certain first. I just found a router in my garage while cleaning it out and well want to make perfect circles instead of jigsaw (oops) circles.
You can buy circle jigs that attach to the router. If you're crafty you can make one. Find the center, attach the jig and go. Careful when you get to the end, just balance the router on the outside.
Like you said, drill a hole large enough for the bit to drop into. You wouldn't need a plunge router after that. Make sure the edge of the hole you drill is excactly the edge of the drawn circle. Depending on the jig you would get determines how it attaches to the router. I've seen them homemade using thin underlayment. You remove the bottom faceplate of the router and attach the jig to it using the same hole for the plate. You can simply drill a small hole and drop a nail at the proper distance through the jig piece into your workpiece. Make sure you drill a tight hole for the nail or you'll have wooble.
ok cool thanks man. I will go fashion something up and test it out later. i will get my results back on here sooner or later(prolly later though cuz I have to work) thanks again
well its not that im bad at it with a jigsaw, but my jigsaw is old and slow. the results are good, just painfully slow. and since I got the router I want perfect circles without straining myself all the damn time ya know.
Bosch makes one of the best variable speed jig saws around. They come with a rotary speed dial that is very sensitive. With a sharp blade you can get excellent results. The setup time is so much quicker than the router but and if you're patient, either tool will work well.