What do you mean what kind? Are there more than one? Just kidding. If you're wanting to know what's best, then use twisted pair RCAs. They're not that expensive and work well with noice cancellation.
yeah Isaac. I had a friend get suckered into buying those monster cables. They were like $115 and the guy at the store said that the quality would be a lot better and the bass would be even better. He installed them and well... absolutely no difference...that guy made hella comission that day
in cheap pairs, the end peices can come off easily. Get a decent brand, but monster cables of any kind are over priced and they suck. avoid them (guitar, car audio, wateva)
ive used the cheap ones ( $7 or so 12') but in a geo tracker, used the black jacketed radioshack ones and the dollar store ones wich the ends do tend to break off, but i didnt get any noise problems, i had a clarion head unit then, 2v out put, 2 amp set up, i also made sure to keep the power wires ran opposite the audio side of the car. yet oddly enough i got a $12 pr in my 4dr egend 16' and now after bout a yr n a half i am getting noise.