A buddy of mine has a Resonant Engineering sub that he says is a XX? Did they make a XX before the XXX or is he mistaken? He bought that based on the person claiming a XX, so I don't know.
I am in Nebraska and he is in Minnesota. I can try to get him to send pics, but not sure he has a digital.
And yes Logan, it is certainly a RE, but I am not sure what kind. I think it is like 3 years old and handles about 1500 watts. (Don't think that helps tho)
No...RE uses split-coil in the XXX's now. They used to use XBL^2 in the 05-06 XXX's. (This is a motor topography created by Adire Audio. RE licensed the rights to use it.)
The pre-XBL^2 XXX was an overhung motor, if i remember correctly.
Alright. I will try to get him to send pics, cuz I am more curious than he is I think. It's very loud (I haven't heard much but it's the one of the best I've seen)
seXXX came out AFTER the xxx... all it is is an se with XXX soft parts. Sounds like what he has... order re subs came out- HC was the original, XXX came out (with the b()()b cone) SE came out, then came SEXXX (although it was never a production sub, had to call and specifically ask for it) then the SX came out, and HC line was dropped, then i believe it was the re series, then came MX,new XXX, SR, etc...