DT*V Ph*ase-2 and Ph*ase-3 Can be used to get 2 Sats
1-BEV at 82 and 1-DN at 61.5 for international This type of dish is designed to get 101/119 which about 18 degrees apart. Almost about the same distance between 61/82.
The alignment must be bulls eye but will work This is not for a nubie. The trick is you have to align so perfectly to 71 or 72 Skew: can be just a bit challenging when doing 2 Sats. Hard but not impossible. The reward is you'll get 2 for the price of one Let me know if got questions King
Note: Sketch is for Satellite Orbit location after Reflection from dish i.e. If looking in front of dish: Right LNB is 82 Left LNB is 61.5