yes, call your insurance company as each is a little different. basically you just show them how much what you have would cost to buy or prove how much you paid and they will insure you up to i think 2grand. like i said they all vary though
so if you have like 6 grand worth of audio stuff and it all gets jacked and you have proof they will just be like umm well your fu.cked? heres 2 grand or whatever? how much is it extra a month for insurance?
No No No, If you have Theft, Vandalizum, comprehensive, they will pay for all equipment that you can prove was in there... How you ask? Well they require receits in order to pay out on a claim. So if you have $50 or $50,000 in gear, as long as you have reciets for it your covered. Also if there is a deductible, like $500-$1000, then they pay anything over that with reciets. And sometimes, you can get a deductible waiver, if Policy dictates.
how much is it extra a month for every grand you have about. right now ive only got about a grand in it but ill have about 3500 when im done someware in there. and i have all the recipts.
lol dident think so but i was just wondering. so would it be a better investment to get insurance? or an alarm system. cuz i dont really need both. i doubt someone will keep at my car if theres an alarm blaring on it.
i was lookin into an alarm and we can get these pizo horns that u put up under the dash and they go off if someone likes puts their hand in the window or anything else that will make ur alarm sound and they actually will hurt ur ears so bad u wont be able to take ur hands off ur ears its pretty cool
lol how much is that. and if i got an alarm i would get the kind where if you touch my car it goes off. lol like the ones where you drive by with your system bumpin and they go off.
i think he was goin to charge us like 50 more he said it works good cuz he did one and had to test it lol said there was no way they was takin their hands off their ears
I got 2,000$ covered with my insurance... cost like 60$ extra on the premium.... i want to get it raised to 4-7K but they wont do it BTW this is Allstate insurance
anybody kno how i can get ADDITIONAL coverage with my existing 2000$?
and thats for 2 grand? i gotta talk to mom and see if she can talk to the people. got my sh,it jacked once. out of my totalled car before i could go back and get it all. aint happening again without me gettin paid for it. its ok i have more money in my car already now than i had in my old car.