what religion do you guys believe in ? i dont want to offend anyone here asking there relgious beliefs, just kinda bored thought this would be a good subject
well i'm a certified (but not practicing) catholic.. so i guess i don't really have religion lol. religion is so overrated in my opinion.. look at all the evil they cause. i dunno.. it's jsut hard to be religious when there are so many out there with such different beliefs (most of which don't have a ton of basis for said beliefs). like trey said, not trying to offend, just voicing my opinoin. it's actually something thats been on my mind for a while now.
religion is extremely confusing to me. im methodist, but its hard looking at someone who is a very good friend and who is atheist, and according to my religion they must go to hell, even tho they are a great person here on earth and they were just born into a family with no religous background? thats hard for me to swalow...
i jus figure there is somethin out there like a greater power or sumthin but i dont know what it is and dont think any one REALLY knows so studying or practicing certain things are too much focused on one thing wen they arent even 100% sure wut it is...ima just wait till i die to find out
i dont believe that stuff its stupid imo cuz like other ppl said it causes a lil violence and everyone thinks they're right n its just dumb. but yeah "god" told the church that the earth is at the center of the universe a long time ago. i guess "god" was f|_|ckin with em.
IMO, religion is either for the extremely self conscious, or bad people looking for ways to justify their actions. To say that someone is guiding you through life, helping you make decisions or making them for you, is relieving you of all accountability for those decisions. Not to say it's always a bad thing, because some people honestly need that helping hand and to feel like they're not alone in the world. Only problem is there's too many greedy people out there who find justification in religion so they can sleep at night. People shouldn't always look to a higher power to pick their path. They should look for the strength to find it in themselves, and make decisions THEY can be happy with.