Pansat Issue


Bronze Member
Username: Drm035

Darlington, SC USA

Post Number: 54
Registered: Jul-06
I have a Pansat 2500A and a 2700A, is there an autoroll ix for either of these receivers yet? I have been looking at this site like always and haven't come across anything that says it has come out yet or anything.
I always use this site so I know that the info will be good and it will be greatly appreciated.

Bronze Member
Username: Drm035

Darlington, SC USA

Post Number: 55
Registered: Jul-06
"FIX" sorry for the typo

Silver Member
Username: Micklee11801

Post Number: 101
Registered: Feb-06
yes, for 2700a bin 295 autoroll fix. For 2500a you need to either get Bev or Dish, cause the memory is limited. Goto to get file. Good luck!

Bronze Member
Username: Drm035

Darlington, SC USA

Post Number: 56
Registered: Jul-06
Thank you for all this info. I really appreicate it.

Silver Member
Username: Lroy

Post Number: 169
Registered: Aug-06
Use the X-85BL_DN_070203_290T bin for DN and the
X-85BL_BEV_070203_290T bin for BeV...This is safe for the Pnsat 2500a and all FLU.

New member
Username: Moondog

Post Number: 6
Registered: Dec-06
Hi all,
I have a pansat 2500a,and I installed X-85BL_DN_070203_290T bin for DN but I am not getting anything.
I tried both autoroll on and off.
I even tried X-85BL_DN_070203_290_api bin.
I can 't get any channels.
Please help.

Silver Member
Username: Bones714

Somewhere fi...

Post Number: 251
Registered: Mar-05
Try flashing factory bin first. The 290t is for clones, you are looking for dn_290 bin. It works fine for me. Go to dsstester,com for the bin you are looking for.

New member
Username: Moondog

Post Number: 8
Registered: Dec-06
I did try Bin didn't work.

New member
Username: Moondog

Post Number: 9
Registered: Dec-06
I thought pansat2500A is a clone,isn't it?

Gold Member
Username: Nikk

Post Number: 1203
Registered: Sep-06

You need to check your settings, did you made a factory reset prior to download the 290T bin??..You need to go to installation menu and check that you have correctly configured all of your sats....what is exactly what is happening when you say it's not getting any channels???
do you see any message???

Gold Member
Username: Nikk

Post Number: 1204
Registered: Sep-06
If you have tried both bins then your problem is a configuration issue....

New member
Username: Moondog

Post Number: 10
Registered: Dec-06
thanks for the reply.
I tried few channels and the nessage I got was:
"scrambled or bad channel".
I had channels Sunday afternoon,after I entered the keys manually while autoroll was off.
This morning I installed the latest bins and put autoroll on,but no channels.
I didn't preset any factory settings prior to doing that.

Gold Member
Username: Nikk

Post Number: 1205
Registered: Sep-06

Check for 2 things...

1.- Keys updated...
2.- KEY EMU option should be ON...

After installing the latest bin...are you still getting the "scrambled or bad channel" message??, after that, do you see the message "wait for picture"???

Silver Member
Username: Hanz

Post Number: 259
Registered: Oct-06
Speaking of pansat, I don't suppose we'll have any luck regarding a file that solves the autoroll issue? I'm on a Pansat 2500 clone with bin 289T. Works well but the autoroll is a dud. It was a bit frustrating when it blacked out with a 'wait for picture' sign right before the bell rang for round 1 during Shane Mosley vs Luis Collazo this past saturday night on HBO.
I came on here looking for new keys since KeyRipper was down for the count. By the time new keys were available, the fight was into the 6th round. LOL!

Gold Member
Username: Nikk

Post Number: 1210
Registered: Sep-06

When have the 290T bin installed go to channel 200 and wait for the keys to roll....
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