Silver Member
Username: Crazy_greek

Post Number: 588
Registered: Jul-06

Hey LK
I added a new Satellite and new TPs.
Did a Blind Scan. most of the Channels
came in. Now from the Twilight Zone.TPs came in with Channels like Sprky 257,Info 258,Info 9 259,
Sprky 5840, Info 5841, Info 9 5842.
When I opened these Channels,they showed lot of charts with Printed Circuit Boards, Blinking
Lights. Names on some of these Charts like
Nagra Star and Cheyenne Uplink Electrical
Summary Charts. I was not drinking any OUZO.
Does this mean, I don't pass go, straigh to Jail?

BTW can you make anything out of this or
should I check with Nalin.LOL

Gold Member
Username: Lklives

Post Number: 7618
Registered: Jan-06
Maybe u ate too much Baklava, and had a sugar rush!...LOL

maybe U landed on one of the speeding "railroads"!

Ask nalin, curious to her reply..see what she copies and pastes for you..

Gold Member
Username: Lklives

Post Number: 7619
Registered: Jan-06
BTW...what new satellite and new TP's, did U add?

Gold Member
Username: Lklives

Post Number: 7620
Registered: Jan-06
Dish Engineering Channel SPRKY 257 TP17 129° E*5 (1)
Info INFO8 258 TP17 129° E*5 (1)
Dish INFO 9 INFO9 259 TP17 129° E*5 . . (1)

channels 5840, 41, 42 are mirrrors of these..

Figured I'd give U this, nalin would have never figured this out..

Gold Member
Username: Lklives

Post Number: 7621
Registered: Jan-06
(1) Channel shows on Lyngsat.c*om or other reliable satellite scans, but not available to regular subscribers.

Silver Member
Username: Crazy_greek

Post Number: 590
Registered: Jul-06

That is the reason way I ask you.
At TP 17 at the bottom of the Channel list, shows
D1000 info card.O well there goes my Twilight Zone.I did scan in that Tp, but how did you know
all that came from there?

Gold Member
Username: Lklives

Post Number: 7632
Registered: Jan-06
Would U believe ESP and Greek mythology technology (my crystal ball and cards)?...LOL

Kavin..go to ...I have no problems sharing my sources..I always wondered where u got your posted sat, channel, TP, polarity, etc, info which I can tell is a copy/paste..I haven't see your format at lyngsat or dbstalk..

Silver Member
Username: Tapeman

Post Number: 537
Registered: Oct-06
I come across stuff like this all the time
Usually if U use dual LNBs and do blind scan
TPs get crossed and pickup some weird channels

I did see these info channals I don't think they carry anything helpful

I did however come across ch 999 on 110W RTL which has some cool installations.

Gold Member
Username: Lklives

Post Number: 7648
Registered: Jan-06
Retailers... Available to Dealers ONLY RTLR channel 999 TP2 110° E*8 . . Dealers Only

Everybody who uses FTA for the 110 gets this channel!

Gold Member
Username: Nydas

Post Number: 1838
Registered: Jun-06
'Full many a channel the dark unfathomed skies of satellites bear,
And wastes its information on old lady LK who does not care.'
modded from Thomas Gray in Ellegy'..

Gold Member
Username: Lklives

Post Number: 7661
Registered: Jan-06
roll another one!...lmao!

Silver Member
Username: Cosmic_ray

Toronto, Ontario CANADA

Post Number: 187
Registered: May-06
LK !!

I encountering a problem since long time,
The channel is went away after 20-30 minutes, other channels are working, and then it takes a minute or two to AUTO ROLL, then channel comes again.

Some times we need to turn power OFF from back and when we turn ON, it will auto roll and pick new settings.

I have PANSAT 2700A

Do I need new BIN file to load? or there is any patch file?

I have software, connected to satellite, automatically showing new keys within seconds.

If any one needs send me email,

Thanks in advance

Bronze Member
Username: Pffft

Ya Right

Post Number: 70
Registered: Jan-07
Humm that brings back memorys, you sure you have the newest bin for that pansat

Gold Member
Username: Satscanner

Beaversbush, Sportsmans P... Great White ...

Post Number: 1085
Registered: Nov-06
Madona,you don't need a new bin file and there is no patch file,what you need is a

Bronze Member
Username: Pffft

Ya Right

Post Number: 72
Registered: Jan-07
my Pansat 2700a was doing that until download of 292 bin (yes i know new one is 295) after that it stopped doing it. and yes. i can see a huge differance from the viewsat compared to the pansat. (once i stopped drinking and could think somewhat clearly)

Gold Member
Username: Satscanner

Beaversbush, Sportsmans P... Great White ...

Post Number: 1089
Registered: Nov-06
First mistake was to stop drinking,now all your problems will return..go back to drinking and the 292 bin, and all will be fine

Silver Member
Username: Crazy_greek

Post Number: 593
Registered: Jul-06

Hey LK
To answer your question.
My format is nothing special.
You will not see it anywhere other then here.
You are right,I do make it up by using Lyngsat and dbstalk.

BTW we shouldn't post our resoures,your friend Nalin may be listening.LOL

Gold Member
Username: Lklives

Post Number: 7677
Registered: Jan-06
That is true, she will now surely be the "Queen of FTA and Ecoustics", and expect us to bring her gifts next!....LOL

Silver Member
Username: Tapeman

Post Number: 544
Registered: Oct-06
Thank you LK

Every few days I scan something different hoping I can get few extra terrestrial broadcast, so far no luck but I won't give up. I know I'll come across something someday.

Silver Member
Username: Cosmic_ray

Toronto, Ontario CANADA

Post Number: 188
Registered: May-06
Dear LK !

Thanks a lot ...

Love ....

Silver Member
Username: Cosmic_ray

Toronto, Ontario CANADA

Post Number: 189
Registered: May-06
Dear Fellows !1

Which is latest BIN for PANSAT 2700A?

So that my receiver shouldn't pause during auto roll...

Thanks ..

Bronze Member
Username: Alfons_ramahotmailcom

Call me when... Albanian

Post Number: 64
Registered: Jan-07

if it still pauses
1)do a factory bin
2)reload the 295 bin

Silver Member
Username: Ryersongheyarmy

Bottom of the Barrel, Village People

Post Number: 109
Registered: Jan-07
That is true, she will now surely be the "Queen of FTA and Ecoustics", and expect us to bring her gifts next!....LOL


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