I need an amplifier system..which will ultimately power 7 (maybe 8, 2 centers specifically) full-range speakers and the low-frequency system. I've heard of monoblocks being the best type (whether in one chassis fpr 7 monoblocks or 3 chassis just for one amplifier) for sound quality and power output.
My minimum expectations would be at least 1000w (prob 8 ohms) per channel (or 1000w per part in bi/tri amp?). I tend to drool over robust, large, heavy amplifiers. What can you expect?
For the subwoofer/low-frequency system...well here's an explanation. After calculations performed by my installer, it's been decided that it'd be best to put a subwoofer system in the front and the back (LFE and L/C/R bass in front + LFE and Rear Channel Bass in the back). 16 subwoofers in a 4x4 configuration behind the screen in the front and 4 in the back, one for each channel is what I'm planning on. In the IB configuration we've decided on, we've found that it will take around 1500w to drive each driver to it's XMAX. Each driver is 0.5 ohms and all 20 drivers will take approximately 30kw to drive all simultaneously to Xmax (OMG)
I need a good SQ solution to provide all that power to the subs without breaking the bank (around 30k max, $1/watt)...please don't break my bank!
As for the speakers...don't break my bank there either! I don't want to spend more than about 50k MAX on speaker amplification (don't want to go bankrupt). What brands to look at and all that? In case you're wondering we're going to have 2 sub-panels dedicated to the HT (I don't really expect to turn things up THAT loud, hearing damage, unless it's low efficiency speakers).
I tried to explain what I'm looking for (Robust, Powerful, High SQ at high power, extreme low impedance drive on subs maybe). I'm not sure where I should be looking. If I have a Lexicon Pre-Pro, maybe I should take a look at their amps, since I haven't.
The traditional match with Lexicon at the quality end are Mark Levinson. The amplifiers aren't as powerful as you've specified, but this is unlikely to be an issue once you've heard them. Power isn't everything.
I have a customer who uses an MC-12 very successfully with Chord Electronics amplification. His top of the range monoblocks are *each* more money than you want to spend in total but the lower level Chord amps are excellent and will do the business.
I have also heard of good things from Bryston, who make powerful amplifiers, and you may also wish to look at Krell, also renowned for powerful amplifiers.
I'm sorry, but should I have $30,000 to spend on a system, I would not be asking for advice on a forum. Go to a well respected dealer and get someone to stand behind their recommendation and product. You are working with an installer, what does that person suggest?
I did some blind testing and it turns out I really liked some Mcintosh amps they had (with the MC-12). I liked most of their amps so I'll just have to look at wattage levels. Oh, BTW yes I am seeking most help from these places so I asked for lots of power and a quality build, stated my budget and what I had, then they set up a listening test and voila! Anyway, I'll look further into those.
Sorry I didn't word that correctly, plus I also get what you mean. I mean after I choose the amps I'll then see if their wattage would be enough (I would expect 200 watts to be plenty with moderately efficient speakers, 2000w if you subtract 10dB on sensitivity) to power the speakers I choose...which brings me to a question.
I wonder if it would help to choose speakers first and then choose an amp with enough power to drive them?
Good point, Nuck. I have taken a listen in those rooms and I've found good Synergy with Mcintosh and Lexicon...but I never did look at the speakers. I better go, it's time to rock out, if you know what I mean.