*****HELP PLz*****


New member
Username: Ek9ctr

Post Number: 2
Registered: Feb-07
Im sorry if this is a dumb question but Im new to all this and really would like to know. I have a DishNetwork receiver DISHPRO 300 and two satelites, two months ago my system was working fine, I would get all kinds of channels, well the card went down and it was "burned". Im located in TX and we are having a hard time find this card which its rom 102 yellow card revision 103 or 105... My question is, its there any way to get my system working without this card??? and its this the only compatible card with my receiver? i would appreciate any help from you guys. Im sorry if I didnt explain my self clarly but this its all I know about my system. Thanks

New member
Username: Ek9ctr

Post Number: 4
Registered: Feb-07

New member
Username: Ek9ctr

Post Number: 5
Registered: Feb-07
can anyone help me plz!!!!!

Bronze Member
Username: Senators

Post Number: 81
Registered: May-06
try dsstester.*com

take off the *

Silver Member
Username: Hawaiian_time

Kanaka freak...

Post Number: 860
Registered: Apr-06
Get a Viewsat! You won't regret it.

Silver Member
Username: Hawaiian_time

Kanaka freak...

Post Number: 861
Registered: Apr-06
Try ebay for the card.
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