Dish question


Bronze Member
Username: Jedimastermopar

Post Number: 23
Registered: Jan-07
I have a viewsat ultra with bev and all is working fine. I was gonna go buy an extra dish and a pair of lnb's so I could hook up to dishnet. SHould I bother? Is it working or not working. I can't seem to figure it out with all the posts. Also can I just use a pair or bev lnb's and 18" dish to get access to dishnet?

Silver Member
Username: Ke5aqn

Shawnee, OK USA

Post Number: 367
Registered: Sep-06
With my viewsat DN has worked 100% for the past 2 months. Viewsat is always the first to work so yes it would be well worth getting a DISH 500 and getting DN for you. I see dish 500 all the time not in use that can be had for free or 20 bucks.....hope that helps

Oh I wanted to add with all that "hit" stuff this past week I NEVER lost ONE channel on DN or BEV

Bronze Member
Username: Jedimastermopar

Post Number: 25
Registered: Jan-07
Actually, the funny thing is I just notcied the MC1-4 channels are not working, as is leafs tv and snet2 and 4
this is on bev with viewsat ultra, and all were definatly working a few days ago.

So can I just use a normal bev dish and lnb for dishnet or do I need to get a special dishnet one?

Silver Member
Username: Ke5aqn

Shawnee, OK USA

Post Number: 374
Registered: Sep-06
Yes the DN and bev use the same dishes and LNB's

I have a old DTV dish thats like 24" with a motor here that can get DTV, DN, BEV with only one lnb

I will now look for the channels your listed and post here in a few

Silver Member
Username: Ke5aqn

Shawnee, OK USA

Post Number: 375
Registered: Sep-06
ok here MC-1 -- MC-4 Movie central are working..
I cant find the other what channel # are they when you are on "BEV package?

Bronze Member
Username: Jedimastermopar

Post Number: 26
Registered: Jan-07
yah they are on BEV, channels, 2422(Leafs), 2406 and 2408, snet 2 and 4.
what update software version are you running and what keys are you showing?

Silver Member
Username: Ke5aqn

Shawnee, OK USA

Post Number: 379
Registered: Sep-06
leafs is fine I cant find snet. That does not mean its not working its just not on mine.

I am useing a vewsat platinum with the latest bin and on the key's if you have other channels its not your key's.

BEv keys
76 3a 51 f9 oc 98 26 55
52 c9 bd bf c9 09 c7 c9

fb 31 ec 24 45 8e d5 ef
36 36 f8 1c c9 8f a5 71

Bronze Member
Username: Jedimastermopar

Post Number: 27
Registered: Jan-07
I think I may know why I have been having problems.
I have 2 legit bev boxes and a viewsat ultra.
I have the ultra and one of the others on a splitter, When the one legit one is powered on I lose access to some channels about half of them, when its off I get them back. Is this a fairly normal situation Can the legit bev boxes run off a splitter?

Gold Member
Username: Nydas

Post Number: 1319
Registered: Jun-06
"legit bev boxes" and legit DN boxes are slightly better powered than the FTAs. If you have a full DN or BEV installation with switches etc for two receivers, you are more than likely to end up with a power problem. Often this is solved by keeping your legit box on output number one and keeping it on all the time.
There is also a possibility of damage to your FTA reciever used on its own.

Bronze Member
Username: Jedimastermopar

Post Number: 29
Registered: Jan-07
So should I put a splitter on output number 1 from the lnb to the two bev boxes, then run a second cable from the lnb output number 2 direct to the viewsat?

I think I might just buy a another lnb as my bev box hasa a double lnb bracket but only one lnb installed. how much are the lnb's?

Bronze Member
Username: Jedimastermopar

Post Number: 30
Registered: Jan-07
Also how many degrees in what direction is the dishnet satellites? just roughly, I need to check for line of sight. If you cen give me a direction left or right facing the satalite with your back to the dish that would be very helpful.

New member
Username: Aurora

Post Number: 1
Registered: Jan-07
To add a fifth dish to my 4-1 switch I put two dishes (dish 4 and dish 5) on a 2-1 switch and connected it to the 4-1 switch. The problem now is only dish 4 is working and not dish 5. Any help?
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