Is there a way to block this bulllllllll shitttttttttttt feedback emails


Bronze Member
Username: Pachacartier

Post Number: 71
Registered: Nov-06
we keep getting emails in our email box most of it bullshittt talk of lk and his friends that has nothing to do with the fta problems and solution . this site stinksssssssssssssssssssssss

New member
Username: Dreamb0x


Post Number: 3
Registered: Jan-07
so, then go away...

Gold Member
Username: Prfrmnj

Post Number: 1252
Registered: Oct-05
Cartier - You need to go to your setting and make sure you don't have email notification selected. READ a little and understand what it is you are doing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Silver Member
Username: Hawaiian_time


Post Number: 769
Registered: Apr-06
Yes cartier, there is a way to stop it!

Bronze Member
Username: Digitalnuke

Post Number: 23
Registered: May-06
Here's another email for ya!
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