Working Key's who need them


Silver Member
Username: Ke5aqn

Shawnee, OK USA

Post Number: 267
Registered: Sep-06
7B A3 12 F7 A3 07 68 38
87 2D E3 D5 A1 09 51 11

C9 3E 92 9C 14 C0 41 41
05 7A FC 35 A4 4D 0E 8A


DE CF 2A 17 99 7F 69 74
46 35 E6 28 75 24 F4 C0

01 63 FF 4D 83 1A AA 8B
BC 28 6B 09 BF DF 0E 42

Bronze Member
Username: Jedimastermopar

Post Number: 17
Registered: Jan-07
I had 46 35 e6 28 52 f4 c0

Silver Member
Username: Ke5aqn

Shawnee, OK USA

Post Number: 269
Registered: Sep-06
ya it just takes one # off to make it not work..
Now with that vewsat after you get the key in right autoroll will do its job and keep it working....I got my viewsat about 5 weeks ago and put in the #'s once and its worked every day.

Bronze Member
Username: Jedimastermopar

Post Number: 18
Registered: Jan-07
did you do a blind scan or autscan?

Silver Member
Username: Ke5aqn

Shawnee, OK USA

Post Number: 270
Registered: Sep-06
you should delete all your channels and blind scan the sat's. I do mine once a week or so did it last night as a matter of fact.

Bronze Member
Username: Jedimastermopar

Post Number: 19
Registered: Jan-07
what di you set the freq number at? I set it at 6?

Bronze Member
Username: Jedimastermopar

Post Number: 20
Registered: Jan-07
and is there an easy way to get rid of the extra channels?

Silver Member
Username: Ke5aqn

Shawnee, OK USA

Post Number: 273
Registered: Sep-06
go to edit channels and delete all before you da a blind scan.

What frequency do mean? LNB? for what sat?
6 would be way way to low LoL

Bronze Member
Username: Jedimastermopar

Post Number: 21
Registered: Jan-07
When your in the blind scan you have onl 3 options one of whitch is 5 6 10 15 etc

Silver Member
Username: Ke5aqn

Shawnee, OK USA

Post Number: 274
Registered: Sep-06
you have lost me you need to find a "how to" for your receiver. Mine is a platinum and it has no options on blind just blind scan the sat you selected

Bronze Member
Username: Jedimastermopar

Post Number: 22
Registered: Jan-07
the manual that came with mine deosn't give any detail other than the option is there. :-)

Silver Member
Username: Ke5aqn

Shawnee, OK USA

Post Number: 275
Registered: Sep-06
ok ok ok do a factory reset then do this::

All the credit goes to gugi47 for this.

Viewsat 2000 Ultra Setup Guide

If you follow this steps, your up and running in less than 5 min.
- Instal you STB and connect all the cables
- Turn the power ON from the back switch
- Press Menu key
- Select Installation and press OK
- Select Antenna Setup and press OK
- Select your Sat.
- Here if you have a DISEqC switch enter the port #, Motor or Legacy SW
- No LNB Type need to select (from new, you have only two selection Standard and Universal) The STB will select your LNB Automatic
- Press Exit and select Yes for saving the settings
- Your back to Antenna Setup screen
- Here you have Three choises:
- 1 Channel Scan
- 2 Auto Scan
- 3 Blind Scan
- I try all, but the best its Auto Scan
- Press OK
- You are in the Auto Scan window and you see the Bird(Sat.) you selected and in the top of your screen are three options:
- 1 Search option
- 2 Network search
- 3 Scan Start
- You don't change nothing, go down and select Scan Start and press OK
- You do this for all the Birds (Sat.) you have
- Now its time to dowload you BIN
- Insert the Memory Stick in your PC and transfer the bin in. Than insert in your STB and in the Main Menu select System information and press OK
- Select Receiver Upgrade and press OK
- Go down to the bottom of the window, select USB and press OK
- A new window its open with some Corean files, years, etc.
- In the bottom of the window its your bin select and press OK
- After you load the bin, the STB will reboot automatic
- Wait for Autoroll and wach TV
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