Is there a way to block this bulllllllll shitttttttttttt feedback emails


Bronze Member
Username: Pachacartier

Post Number: 73
Registered: Nov-06
we keep getting emails in our email box most of it bullshittt talk of lk and his friends that has nothing to do with the fta problems and solution . this site stinksssssssssssssssssssssss

Silver Member
Username: Albino_midget

Post Number: 386
Registered: Jul-06
log in to your account,make sure nothing is selected in E-mail Notification and save.

Silver Member
Username: Ryersonresurrected

CANADA Charlatan...

Post Number: 546
Registered: Sep-06

Silver Member
Username: Ke5aqn

Shawnee, OK USA

Post Number: 203
Registered: Sep-06
The best way I can see for the BS and bashing to stop is for LK anong others to stop. We are all hoping the ADMIN will see the answer they are now watching this forum and in close communication with me and others on this matter. Please give us some time we are going to get this forum back ON TOPIC soon.
For now turn off email from this forum if it bothers you.

to LK or any other user: Do Not bash me or any one else here on this thread those comments are not welcome and will be reported.

Bronze Member
Username: Pachacartier

Post Number: 74
Registered: Nov-06
jay thanx. it's frustrating when u come to a site asking question and poeple start disrespecting you. i dont understand . is it kind of competition here or i really dont know. no site has this idiot things going on . if someone dont like the question just ignore it.
anyway god bless.

Silver Member
Username: Ke5aqn

Shawnee, OK USA

Post Number: 206
Registered: Sep-06
No prob Cartier we are trying to get it back right. I agree it is childish some of the games people play here. Hopefully it will get better soon.

Silver Member
Username: Ryersonresurrected

CANADA Charlatan...

Post Number: 547
Registered: Sep-06

Silver Member
Username: Minn_rocks


Post Number: 194
Registered: Aug-06
let kill the blue guy.....Upload

Gold Member
Username: Lklives

Post Number: 7049
Registered: Jan-06
Jay...stop being such a wussy...I have done more for this site than U can ever imagine..U have to be the worse momma's boy I have ever heard...I bet your own momma can't stand your whining...and I guarantee u're not married, cause NO woman could put up with your baby whining all the time! STFU and leave me alone!...I don't write about U, unless u bash me., so back off MO!

Silver Member
Username: Ke5aqn

Shawnee, OK USA

Post Number: 208
Registered: Sep-06
you don't write about me unless I bash you? You bash me ever time you get a chance. You did it today on a thread I answered. I am not whining I am sick and tired of your attitude and am not going to take it anymore.

You think you have done so much for this forum well lets address that shall we?

Yes your are very knowledgeable and very good at answering some questions. Yes you have posted lots and lots of times here.

On the other hand you are very good at picking fights, bashing people, and being rude to new people. Almost every thread you have posed in in the past few months you have bashed a user in some way ether being very rude to the poster or correcting someone answering a question. Maybe you have been here to long and are growing tired of answering the same questions. That in 100% understandable.

I would suggest you take a break from here and see how the forum goes without you. It would surprise you I am sure.

Now LK lets ( you and I ) stop this childish fighting. I am not going away and you are not going away. I have been using satellite systems for over 15 years and have no plans and stopping now. I am a licensed ham operator and A+ certified computer tech. I like helping new people with this "hobby" of testing. I will use all my knowledge to find a answer and help if I can. I think people appreciate it with out your bashing me every time I post. So STOP bashing me. We all know who the better man here is all a person has to do is read the post's the proof is their.

Your response as usual to this post will further prove my point.

Gold Member
Username: Lklives

Post Number: 7058
Registered: Jan-06
Jay U are a Liar!...U are a newbie to satellite, NOT 15 years experience!...I have seen all your posts, especially 3 months ago when U were asking about dishes, LNB's etc..U don't even know what a BUD is?...go away and STFU...quit bothering me kid!

Silver Member
Username: Ke5aqn

Shawnee, OK USA

Post Number: 210
Registered: Sep-06
A BUD is like what I had in my yard " Big Ugly Dish" I have 4DTV still and the older analog receiver that was all we had before 4DTV or before I could afford the $1400 for the 4DTV receiver. I do not use it I am enjoying this FTA "testing" better now. Yes when I first came here I made a interdiction of myself as a past C-band user that had been out of the game for a while. When we took down the BUD 4 years ago FTA was just getting started and I had a pansat ( if I reamber right )but, all we could receiver was channels from other country's and a few locals like Alaska or canada . They were funny but not as good as this "testing" we can do now. So dont try to tell me what I have done or have not done bud you have no idea.

Gold Member
Username: Lklives

Post Number: 7060
Registered: Jan-06
I will give U credit for that one then..if U leave me alone, maybe we won't waste each others time..

Silver Member
Username: Ryersonresurrected

CANADA Charlatan...

Post Number: 553
Registered: Sep-06
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